Chapter 14

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Brandon's POV

I wanted to open my eyes it felt as if I was in a dark hole and my frustration grew each second passing by.

Okay on




I squinted my eyes open and was blinded by the bright lights , trying to sit straight I felt aches all over my body and then I saw the white walls.

Was I dead?

" Thank God I've made it to heaven " I knew feeding those homeless people and providing multiple orphanages would pay off.

I tried moving again but my body went numb , I looked over to my left and I saw a machine beeping and needles IV's sticking inside my arm.

I'm not in heaven , I'm at a hospital.


I groaned when I tried to move for the third time but the pain excruciated and then I remembered what happened.


" Fuck Rihanna" I pressed the emergency button on the side of the bed after alot of effort and pain. The room was filled with doctors and nurses in seconds.

" Mr Salvatore your awake" I rolled my eyes.


" What happened to Rihanna?" I asked another doctor stepped foward to speak.

" She woke up about a day ago and haven't left your side ever since, I'm assuming her mother threatened her to leave" I sighed in relief.

" Did anyone else visit?"

" Yes,Rihanna's mother" I was confused what about Greta or Fabian.

" Okay , when can I be released?" I hated hospitals with a passion and wanted nothing to deal with it. The chemicals were sickening, the thoughts of needles just makes me want to throw up it was just never my scene.

" As soon as we do your final check up" I nodded, each of them left leaving the first doctor and a nurse behind.

" You have suffered from two broken ribs, a broken leg and a fractured hand, I have prescribed some pain killers for now and you have an appointment next week Thursday " I wanted to close my eyes and sleep but this was about my health and I wanted to get out.

" You will be discharged tomorrow morning and your bills have been already paid so there's nothing to be worried about financially " I stared at the doctor, it definitely wasn't Greta and no one else had access to my account.

" Who paid the bills?"

" Mrs.Riley " I paused in confusion , I tried recalling if I knew anyone  but then I remembered it was Rihanna's surname .

" Oh thank you" I closed my eyes and went back into the darkness.

Rihanna's POV

" Good news Ms. Riley , Mr. Salvatore is awake" I sighed in relief, it has been almost a week since the accident and I've suffered from a minor concussion along with a few broken bones.

The accident was all over the news and alot of people reached out to see if I was okay, my mom had been worried sick and haven't stopped praying since we've came back home.

She came inside my room, with a tray filled with food and pills.

" Brandon's awake" a look relief was seen upon her face.

" Thank God" she danced around , singing to the Lord.

I thought she didn't like him

" We have to get ready ?" I pushed myself to get up but the pain in my chest increased.

" You better sit back down... tomorrow I'll go , you're in no condition to be moving around" she scolded.

" But..."she placed her index on my lips to keep quiet.

" But nothing, go to sleep" So I ate my food and did just that.

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