Chapter 1: Engaged

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I was still sobbing tears of joy into Jaspers hair when Bella walked in. She laughed and made some excuse and walked out quickly. Jasper pushed me away and looked at the ring again.

"I would have tried to find Red Jasper but I couldn't, I thought Ruby was the next best thing," He explained. I nodded with a little giggle. He picked me up and spun me around.

"Do we tell Charlie is the question," I sighed.

"I think, we just invite him to the wedding and call that good, don't even bother to tell him we are engaged until it is important," Jasper shrugged.

"I still can't believe I said yes," I said.

"Why did you say yes, you kept declining my hypothetical proposals before," Jasper said.

"I think I said yes because I couldn't bring myself to say no," I said.

"I think thats good enough for me," Jasper smiled.

"We don't have to get married right away do we," I begged.

"No," he laughed.

"I just, I don't even want to know what people would think," I shuttered.

"Since when, does my kiss you in front of Lauren, don't care I'm dating a vampire, dance my heart out even though there's no music, Bird, care about what other people think?" Jasper laughed.

"Since I said yes," I shrugged. I blushed and Jasper laughed and swept his fingers over my cheeks. Apparently I am part human because of my life power. (Take note on the fact that I haven't canceled out a kid completely). The sound of the beating of my heart is so weak you can't hear it, but it is happening. Jasper kissed me and I smiled a bit in it. He laughed a second and pushed himself a millimeter away.

"I love you," Jasper said.

"I love you too, obviously," I laughed.

"Always and Forever," He prompted.

"Always and Forever," I smiled. He tapped his bracelet to my necklace with a smile. Then he twirled me and pulled me over to my bed.


I smiled at stared at the stars from the ceiling of the Cullen house. Jasper was there in an instant with a big smile. He held me hand then pulled it up to his face and kissed the ring.

"One thing I like about this time period, I don't need your fathers blessing," Jasper said.

"Well Jazz, my dad loves you like a son so I honestly don't know how he would react," I shrugged.

"I wonder if Alice knows," Jasper shrugged.

"I just, I want to tell my mom but I am worried that she will freak out because well, I'm only eighteen, and will forever be eighteen," I shrugged.

"And I will forever be nineteen it's how vampirism works," Jasper shrugged.

"Yeah I guess," I shrugged. He smiled and hugged me and I took one more look at the stars then started to dream.

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