Chapter 10 - Sleepover

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"Hey, Y/n? Where are you headed?" Peter looks at you from the side considering the blankets that you held covered the front.

"I'm going to the theatre, me and the girls are having a sleep over,"

"Oh... Uhm," Peter looked like he wanted say something, ask even. "Alright, have fun,"

"Did you want to join us?"

"Can I really?" a single nod from you sent him running down the hall to get changed.


"Hold on! What about this?"

Peter stared at the lacquer. "Blue,"

"Good choice, Pete," You started to apply the polish as the girls jammed out to the music spewing from the speakers.

"What is going on??" It seemed the rest of the boys were attracted to the bustle.

"Oh! Are you guys having a sleepover?" Pietro runs down the steps. "Hey, why aren't you guys in lingerie and having pillow fights?" Pietro looks to you and Nat with frowns.

"You wanted lingerie and pillow fights huh?" The speedster nods as you take a pillow, slamming it into his face. Feathers burst out to cover him, slowly revealing him lingerie. "There you go,"

Wanda made gagging noises as the others looked away. "Jokes on you, I still look sexy," Pietro takes a glimpse at his ass, zooming out the room and coming back in Pjs. "Now are we going to play strip poker or...?"

"What sleepovers have you been going to??" Nat looked slightly concerned.

"None, but I watch plenty of movies to know the dirty things you princesses do~"

"The dirtiest thing we do is clean our nails and eat weird food combos, sorry," Wanda regains herself from the shocking lingerie moment.

"Boring! How about spin the bottle? Seven minutes in heaven?"

"Pietro, one more word from you and the only version of those games we'll be playing is when the bottle spins to hit you in the head so you spend 7 minutes in Valhalla,"

"Noted," he squeaks before sliding down next to you and taking a silver bottle of nail polish. "Is this icing? Can I have some?"

"No!" everyone shouts.


"Pietro, that's nail polish..."


It seemed there was no escaping the group. They had joined, sprawling about the room doing whatever they pleased. Pietro, Peter, you, and the girls stayed at the front, talking nicely. What was surprising was that Pietro gave amazing relationship advice.

"How about a movie?" you finished applying Pietro's own nail polish and grabbed the remote. "Any requests?"

"Fifty shades~"

"No, I am no longer taking any requests from Tony,"

"Fifty shades darker~"

"I am no longer taking requests from any of the guys,"

"Fifty shades freed~"

"I am no longer taking requests," you flipped through movie after movie.

"Oh! Ghosts of girlfriend's past?" Peter pleaded.

"I am only taking requests from Peter," the movie played and you moved everyone down to the hoard of pillows and blankets.

"is this really appropriate to watch with... children?" Loki coughed at the beginning scenes. "They're in their undergarments... Oh dear," When a certain heated scene rose up he averted his eyes.

"You're an adult, you can manage a bit of making out on screen," you snicker at Loki.

For his first movie Loki was... perplexed to say the least. He didn't understand the themes, meaningless banter but you seemed to enjoy it which was all he cared about. Seated beside you, Loki leaned against one of the theatre's sofas, curling you closer to him.

A different setting, yes, different realm in fact, but the way your head laid against him, listening to his steady heartbeat, it reminisced of when you both were younger, the loud claps of thunder and lightning striking in waves as water splashed against the panes.

There was another roar and the door had slammed shut in his chambers. Loki, still up studying the weather conditions as he did on sleepless rainy nights like these, turned to the door in which you entered from. "Dove?" He asked, concern written all over as you scampered towards him.

"Make it stop," you whimper into his arms. "I don't like it,"

"And it will, eventually, when my brother stops his tantrum," he mumbles sweetly into the crook of your neck. "Go back to bed, Y/n, it's not good to stay up this late, you're still 900,"

A pout formed on your face. "Contradicting, isn't it? Look at you still-" You jump in fright at another loud shatter.

"Yes, alright," he lifts you in his arms and carries you to his bed.

"Don't leave, Loki," you cling onto his shirt.

"I won't, don't worry, let me put away my things," in seconds as parchment scratched and was put away, he climbed back into the large bed. The moment he sat, you slid to his side and hung on for dear life. "Be calm, dove, it's only lightning,"

"Well, knowing Thor, I'm not overly fond of what follows,"

Loki chuckled softly as he lifted the duvet over you both, trapping the warmth as you laid against his chest. "Breathe, dove, I'm right here... I'm not leaving,"



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- Anna ❤️

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