Chapter 9 - More your speed

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Peter came out to everyone! It took a few weeks for him to build up the courage to round up everyone and do it. They were all supportive and assured him there was nothing to be worried about, he was comfortable, valid and happy, that's all that mattered.

Tony was so proud of Peter he actually booked tickets to the waterpark Peter has been wanting to go to for so long.

So that was the plan for today!

The ride to the park was unbearable. Why? Well, Tony sat in your lap and fought Clint, who sat on Nat, with his legs.

Bruce nearly hulked out because Pietro kept poking him.

Thor almost broke a window because Loki tickled him with a feather to stop the blonde from taking up so much space.

Wanda had to stop Sam from crashing the car because Steve gave a lecture about road safety and Bucky dared him to hit the gas station they passed.

Nat's weapons were confiscated to stop her from dismembering Tony and spilling blood all over you.

But you all made it in one piece.


"No, trust me, I am not paying $5 for a bottle of water even if it secretly gave me eternal youth," you toss your clothes into your bag. "Looking good, boys,"

"Tony made us wear them," Steve sighs. Each guy wore a swimming shorts with a symbol to represent them on the left leg.

"Except me... for obvious reason," Peter coughs and looks down to his simple red ones.

As you boasted about how you got your swimsuit on sale, Loki kept his eyes on you. His cheeks dusted red, he thought your clubbing dress showed skin, but this... this was a bit much. Though the more he looked around, the more normal what you wore seemed.

For some reason though, you in particular, in that attire made him nervous, palms sweaty and ears heating up. You looked gorgeous, and he had never seen so much of you before. To him your were the definition of perfection to the point where it ached his heart.

It ached that you weren't his. Deep down he was sure you never would be, your friendship had gotten past that point.


"This is... incredibly high," Loki paled at how high the tower stood.

"You've flown a Skiff, this is hardly any different, Lokes,"

"A Skiff is trust worthy... this?" He gently hit the ground twice with his foot. "Not so much,"

"Too bad, we're going down the slide," you hoisted the two seated donut on the starting part and jumped in. "You coming?"

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"Nope!" You pulled him down and soon you both sped through the dark tunnel. Your delighted scream echoed off the plastic walls as Loki held on for dear life. Heading right into the bowl, you used your foot to kick off the side, letting you both spin around endlessly before bumping right into the hole and continuing to the end.

The donut skipped along the water and flipped over. Loki, hair drenched over his face, resurfaced and glared as you swam over. "That was dreadful," Loki grumbled as you pushed back his hair.

"It wasn't that bad,"

"It was," He pushed you away playfully. "Evil woman, making me go on such a waste of time,"

"I do try my best," you swim after him and exit the water with him trailing behind. "What do you want to do now?" You spun to see his eyes dart back up to yours.

"Anything you want, dove," he blurts out hurriedly.

"Anything huh? Bad choice of words," You snatched his hand and dragged him away to his demise.


"That was... horrid," Loki clutched his racing heart as you exit that last ride you wanted to try.

"Stop being such a baby, Loki," your comment was met with a pinch of magic to your side. "Ow! That was mean,"

"Making me go on that three times was mean," he points to the tallest ride.

"You loved it~"

"I really didn't,"

"Fine, let's find something more your speed, old man,"

"You're one hundred years younger than me, Y/n,"

"Which makes you 1,350, which is old,"

"Mhm, I'm sure," Loki hums as you take his hand. "What's the next death trap?"

"The lazy river~" your spooky voice made him scoff. "It's actually nice, not all adrenaline junkie nice, but still nice,"


You and Loki got into a two person donut and pushed off down stream. Music hung in the air as it played from speakers hidden away. The ride was calm, your head on Loki's shoulder as he laid back in thanks that today he wouldn't die.

"Remember when we used to name individual stars?"

His heavy eyes open to look down at you. "Vividly, you gave such odd names," a spark of green shimmered above, showing the night sky. "It was always named after a food,"

"I'm sorry but you know how hungry I get," you nudge him.

"I brought cheese and bread one time and I didn't even get any," he laughs which gave him a scowl from you.

"That's because we ditched the banquet to stargaze... which by the way was your idea,"

"But you must admit laying on the grass to gaze at those diamonds was much better than the clicking of heels and intolerable chatter,"

"The reason it was better is because you were there, you never cease to make me smile," you expand the illusion and gaze at the largest one.

"That's because your goofy smile is priceless,"

"Goofy huh?"

"Insufferably adorable and goofy," he teases. "Y/n?" you suddenly disappear and reappear underneath the floatie to tip it over.



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- Anna ❤️

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