Chapter 4 - Provocative

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"Looking good, mi princessa," Pietro was the first to spot your three. His lip meets your hand before he looks at Wanda. "Wanda, where are you going looking like that?"

"Pietro, Y/n's dress is shorter than mine,"

"Yeah, let's fix that!" You tug the dress down only for it to creep back up even shorter. "Pain, all I feel is pain,"

"You look gorgeous, Doll," Bucky winks at you from the couches as Steve held up his thumbs, not knowing what else to add.

"Lady Y/n, where are you going?" Thor's growl boomed from down the hall.

"Oh thank god, my savior is here!" you push towards Thor. "Please tell them-"

"You three are not leaving without us!" your face drops at Thor's announcement.

The girls were shot a glare from you as they snickered. "Come on, please don't make me go!"

"You are in need to find a suitor, Y/n," Thor brought you to his side. "And one that's not a greasy little green snake," he whispers.

"Shut up before I drop kick you," snarling this, the greasy green snake seemed to slither out his den after hearing commotion.

"What in the nines is going on?" Loki let his eyes drop to you, red growing on his pale cheeks. "Where are your clothes?" He asks with concern.

"These are my clothes, or clothes according to these two," your thumb points to the two girls. "Undergarments, more like it, I'm aware,"

"I heard party!" Tony saunters into the room. "Sexy as ever, L/n,"

"Horny as ever, Stark,"

"Fair play," he sighs before placing down the bottle of Jack. "So, are we going clubbing? I know the best place!"

"It was going to be a girl's night out-" Wanda starts.

"But as long as everyone joins, it will be just as good," Nat winks at Stark, motioning between you and Loki.

"You heard the lady, suit up!"


Ok, so not everyone joined. Vision, Bruce and Peter stayed behind, Peter for more obvious reasons. And of course Stark went all out by bringing his Limo to use.

Throughout the ride, you kept your eyes out the window instead of on Loki who held a book up to his pointed nose, trying to drown out the chatter. You've only ever seen him in his armour or lounge clothing but never Midgard clothing.

It was change, and certainly not a bad one.

Music pounded against the club glass, bouncers--and yes, plural, there were multiple--watched as people were allowed in.

Stark was let in instantly with the rest of you trailing behind. Packed to the brim, it was surprising you all could still fit.

"Time to get drunk, regret things and have a major hangover!" Tony yelled making a few 'aye' in response.

"Good luck with that, I can't drunk unless-" Thor pulled out his flask. "Fuck,"

"You need to let loose, Y/n," Sam wraps an arm around you. "Get down and dirty, your temper could use a little," he was punched in the gut, his laugh expressing no regrets.

"My temper could also use with beating you into a pulp, birdie,"

"Get those shots running, Point break,"


To no one's surprise you sipped decently at the drink Thor gave you. Nat brought up a deal though. The drunker you got, the less time was spent in the club, so your drank up. Your head spun, but you were only tipsy.

Good enough for them.

"You are needed on the dance floor," Clint points to Nat walking over with her hands out.

"Dance a few songs and we can leave,"

"Dammit," At least something decent was playing. Nat let your hands drape around her neck, moving her hips along with your lazy movements.

"Come on, Y/n, you're not trying," she groans. "Or you're just a bad dancer..."

"Bad dancer, huh?" You spin her around before dipping her in your arms. "What was that you were saying?"

"Maybe classic stuff, but still meh," her eyes narrow with your challenging ones. "No guts to do it with a guy,"

"Fine," you storm back to the group of boys who were watching with grins. "Steve, get up,"

"No, you have fun,"

"That wasn't a choice,"

The soldier raises a brow as the boys wolf whistle, except Loki who glowered. "Alright then,"

His chest was flushed against you, your eyes glaring at Nat who smirked as when she moved back to sit down with the rest. Steve was awkward but apparently that Asgardian liquor did something.

If it was even possible, Loki scowled more at the sight. Apparently those feelings he had thought fizzled down were still there. With every touch, sway and bit of eye contact you kept with the Solider, the more his hands froze, ice creeping around the cover of his book.

These moves were provocative, classless, and not appropriate.

Was this normal? It seemed so as each other pair in the room did the same. The last straw was drawn when Cap wrapped his arm around you, trailing his hand to the small of your back.

Loki snapped his iced book shut causing a few to glance at him with smirks.



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- Anna ❤️

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