Chapter 8 - Lady Loki

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"Morning," Loki walked into the kitchen. "What?" Coffee was spilled and food was spat out.

"Loki?" Sam tilts his head.

"Yes, may I help you?"

"Yeah... why are you a lady?" Tony was the first to say it.

"Does it matter?" The god shifts in her spot, looking around for you.

"Yeah, because you look hot!" Tony was kneed in the gut when you appeared by his side.

"Respect a lady, Tony," you walk up to Loki. "Morning, Lady Loki," you curtsy as she nods thankfully at you.

"Miss Loki is genderfluid?" Peter's eyes lightened up.

"And pansexual, I believe that's the term," She smiles fondly at the spiderling who nods.

Thor walks through the hall and into the kitchen. "Morning, sister,"

"Morning, you oaf," Loki smirks.

"Same old banter," you sigh and fill your plate with food. "Would you care to join us shopping today, Princess?"

"To the markets?" her eyes glinted excitedly.

"Clothing shops, but if you wish to shop for herbs we can stop at the grocery store," her hurried nod made you laugh. "We leave in a little while... you guys don't mind right?"

The girls shake their heads. "Always wanted another girl in the group,"


Acceptance was all Loki ever asked for and right now that's what she felt. Accepted. When she chose this form, she often burrowed away or leaving in disguise by your side.

Only you, Thor and her mother knew that she took this form... The warriors and Sif knew too, Sif was indifferent and respected the pronouns but the other three often poked fun at it to the point of silent tears.

You always came to the rescue. To her you were her knight in shining armour. She honestly thought she didn't deserve such an angel by her side.

"Where to first?" Loki clutched her purse as she walked between you and Wanda. "I'm afraid I won't be much help with directions,"

"That's alright, we can always start with the basics like H&M,"

"Not sure what that entails but I'm intrigued," walking through the sliding doors of the mall, Loki stared up at the lights and high ceilings. "This is very grand,"

"It's called a mall, and it has plenty of shops," Loki let her eyes trail around, walking close by as Wanda leads to the H&M. "Is this where all Midgardians get their clothing?" She stares at the never-ending aisles of fabric.

"No, there are more stores, this is just a popular brand,"

"More?? What more could you need from what beholds here?"

"Not everyone dresses the same here, princess, style is the main form of expression,"

"Well, I will enjoy this quite a bit,"


"Did you enjoy today?" Loki laid her head in your lap, letting your fingers run through them.

"Very much, thank you, dove," her eyes were kept shut as she hummed softly.

"I'm sorry for Tony's actions,"

"What actions? And why are you sorry?"

"I'm not why I am but I feel I should apologise on his behalf... as for actions? I hope he didn't make you uncomfortable this morning,"

She smiles gently, meeting her green eyes with your e/c ones. "You need not apologise for him, and as for being uncomfortable? At least it wasn't as Fandral's remarks,"

"I ought to teach him a lesson if I return to Asgard,"

She kisses your hand thankfully. "I'm sure you will, dove,"

"Let me brew some tea, I think a good book will fit nicely with that too," you moved her head onto a pillow and passed Peter in the hall.

Two knocks made Loki look to the source. "Spiderling,"

"Hi, Miss Loki... I just... Are you busy?"

"No, of course not, sit," she pats beside her. "What worries you?"

"Many things actually... but there is one thing I kinda wanted to uhm... talk to you about,"

"I'm all ears,"

"I'm bisexual," Peter blurts out suddenly. His eyes shut in preparation for shouting.

"You are? Well, I'm honoured you have told me... I'm guessing not many know?" She rubs a comforting thumb over his shaky palms.

"N-no... You're actually the only one,"

"And you are worried about informing the rest?" She seemed to have read his running mind. "A word of advice: wait until you are comfortable, ready, and in a good state of mind to inform who you wish, don't feel obliged to tell certain people,"

"Thank you, Miss Loki,"

"Just Loki is fine, Spiderling,"

He hesitantly returned the hug she gave him, melting into the motherly hug.

"What did I miss?" You came back with one tea cup too short to accommodate for Peter. "Pete?" the cups hung in the air as you walked over to the sniffling boy's side.

"I'm alright, Y/n," he looked up to Loki then to you. "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course, Pete," you knelt by his side and clutched the free hand Loki wasn't holding.

"I'm Bisexual..." Unlike before he only kept one eye closed.

"Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to tell me, Pete," his hair was ruffled. "Well, I'm (sexuality) so if you ever want to go to pride with me, then just ask,"

"Thank you, Y/n,"


All sexualities and gender identities are valid, if your family or friends don't accept you then know Mama Anna has taken you under her wing

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All sexualities and gender identities are valid, if your family or friends don't accept you then know Mama Anna has taken you under her wing.

- Anna ❤️

Until we meet again: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now