Chapter 1 - We'd meet again

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"Thor? Where's Loki?" You run up to the blonde brother with a worried look. His shaky sigh left a sharp gaping hole to appear in your heart. "Thor... Where is he?"

"He... He fell off the bridge... I'm sorry, Y/n," Thor immediately bent down to your collapsing figure. A whimper escaped your lips, nothing but sorrow washing over you.

"Loki? What are you doing?" You caught up with the god.

"Nothing you should worry yourself with, dove," he kisses your hand. "I need to deal with business, until we meet again," with that, he journeyed down the hall, your eyes narrowing down the hall before a guard said you were summoned by Queen Frigga.

"He said we'd meet again..."

Thor rubbed your back comfortingly. "He may have meant Valhalla, Y/n-"

"No!" Pushing him away as hard as you could, your hand collapsed into your lap. "Don't say that... Don't..."


"Y/n, you must leave," Thor appeared from around the garden hedge.

"Leave?" Letting the flower resume its stance, you stand up. "Whatever for?"

"My father is looking for you, he is certain you helped Loki,"

"Helped him?"

He nods and takes your hand "You must leave as soon as possible, Mother knows a way to Alfheim, you will be safe there,"

"The queen is helping? Is that not a crime, if the Allfather seeks my arrest?"

"It is, but I know your innocence," Frigga walked up to your side. "Take this, follow me, no questions," A satchel was handed to you. "The Allfather is looking for a blame, and seeing as your close relationship with Loki, he seeks to imprison you for treason,"


"Yes, and I said no questions," her soft smile spoke playfulness as she opened a small passageway behind an old tapestry. "Follow the torches until you find a mirror, knock twice and say 'åpne opp', safe travels, my dear,"


Alfheim was bore, so was every realm, planet, plane of land or crevice. You were struck with cultures you enjoyed, there was no doubt with that, but you longed for an adventure! And you were given one.


Apparently, the realm had been exposed to the Chitauri, a rumor you caught off the back of an Aakon.

This was years ago, however, but it seemed like the perfect time to pay the human realm a visit.


Midgard was interesting. Like every other realm, culture was different and a struggle to adjust to, but you did eventually. Settling with a two story building, your flat above the quaint bookstore and café you owned, life was subtle, uneventful, which was nice.

But you missed Asgard... More than ever.

You hadn't dabbled in dating. They didn't dabble with you either.

Until we meet again: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now