Chapter 5 - Not your dove

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"You're useless," you laugh at Tony who couldn't figure out the steps. "Come on, Buck, move with me,"

Bucky held out his drunk hand which you took. Both of you started to dance 40s style. Feet tapping along, you lip sync with the brunette who chuckled as you took stage centre in the tower living room.

To say you were drunk would be an understatement. Though not drunk enough to stop dancing.

Your heels had been kicked off long ago, which Thor held for you like the gentleman he was. Spinning around you bump right into Loki who had been watching the group mess about.

"Oh, hey, Lokes! Remember that nickname? Lokes?"

"Haven't heard that in years," he mumbles gently.

"Well you would have heard it sooner if you hadn't faked your death!" Your laugh soon turned into a sad one then into an angry one. "You're an asshole for doing that,"

"I'm aware, dove," Loki sighs.

"Nuh-uh you... You~ You don't get to call me dove, sir, no sir, I'm not your dove anymore," you pat his head before turning on your heel. "Oh my god it's a bird!"

Loki watched you run to the window with Clint and Sam. His eyes drew out water, holding them back as he looked to his brother who had been watching. "What do you want, you oaf?"

"Would you care to start calling me brother?" The god asks in hopes.

"Why should I? You're not my brother," he hisses before leaving for his room.

"Loki-" Thor ran a hand over his frustrated face. "No, Y/n!" His concerns were now on you who was climbing the balcony railing.


"Afternoon," you mumble, thick glasses panning away the sunlight. "It would be in all of our interest to forget last night,"

The group hums in agreement as you pour coffee into a mug and leave it on the counter while taking the coffee pot.

"Anyone remember anything?" A resounding no fills the room as Loki enters looking dismissive of everyone.

"Hey, N/n? You told me to hold onto this for you?" Peter unfolds a napkin to show a Coltsfoot.

"Even drunk I manage to find a flower to press," taking the napkin from him, Loki gives a side eye as you quickly press it with a heat spell.

"You still press flowers?" you lift eyes to Loki.

"Easiest memories to keep in a scrapbook," the book falls into your palm, opening up to a blank page where you sealed the flower onto.

"Is that the same book I gifted you?"

"Bilgesnipe leather and all," your hum dismissed him as the book faded away.

"Of course..."

The Avengers weren't hungover enough to let this interaction slide, but one look from Thor warned them not to say anything more.


Pacing footsteps filled the green room shrouded in darkness. Loki was driven to madness from boredom, not once was he allowed to leave the tower on his own. Not that he could blame the others, he wouldn't trust him either.

This was beyond ethical. No one should be kept captive like this, and soon Loki would realize the Avenger's first mistake.

No restraint.

Why had he waited so long to leave? Why hadn't he thought of this sooner?

He could, quite literally, leave. He didn't need to exit the tower on foot, that's what magic was for!

Now in a younger form, maybe around mid teens, Loki ended up in an alley. He wasn't aware of what teenagers would wear in this modern era, so he was left to experiment, watching from the side lines before revealing himself.

He admits, teen fashion here was much more... odd than what he was used to on Asgard. A thought that should be blamed on the first crowd he saw.

Alternative kids.

He mimicked their hair, two waves parted at the middle.

Their clothing, black denim jeans, a white dress shirt with a black sweater over.

The accessories, flashy and shiny; chains, rings and a necklace made of safety pins.

Shoes were last and the most difficult.


"Uh, guys? Where is Loki?" Wanda asks after seeing his room empty.

"Who cares? He could be dead and I wouldn't bat an eye," Clint responds. "Looks like a string of bad luck is happening! Maybe the universe hates me saying truth!" He scowls at the Tv which showed chaos amongst the city.

"Are we suiting up?" Pietro zooms in hyper.

You jog in with Thor. "For god's sake... Tell me Loki is here," you look to Wanda who shakes her head. "Why must he do this?"

"How do you know it's him?"

"Look at each spot, connect the dots and it makes his sigil," a faded line of green connects the dots on the screen for the team.

"Who's going to round up the idiot?" Nat was the first to back out.

"I'll do it... Knowing him, if he sees one of us, he's off in a dash,"

"And how will you get around that?"

You give Cap a smile. "He's not the only one with magic,"



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- Anna ❤️

Until we meet again: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now