Chapter 2 - Surprise

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"Have you guys seen Thor?"

"He went to Asgard, said he need to get something," Sam calls from the kitchen.

"Thanks, Birdie," A rumble through the tower meant the god was back and in moments the elevator opened. "If you were going back, I would have asked for you to..."

There he was. Loki Laufeyson. Clad in all green as usual.

"Y/n?" Was the first thing he said but you weren't having it.

"You son of a bitch!" Two daggers extended in your hands as you ran up to him. "You complete-!" punching him across the face, he stumbled back in his cuffs. "And utter-!" He dodged another punch, instead earning a cut across his cheek. "Arse, Loki Laufeyson!"

"Y/n," Thor held you back from attacking the god anymore.

"Let go of me," your growl sent a chill through Thor, anger he hardly ever saw rise up. "You knew and didn't tell me?!" All the god did was grab his now bruised cheek. "The nerve!"

"What's wrong with Shego?" Tony and the rest clamber into the living room just as you drive the daggers past both gods.

"What the fuck?" Was all Clint could say as he saw the trickster.

"I need to let off some steam," green shimmered over you.


Throwing knife after throwing knife buried itself in the target.

"How are you holding up, soldier?" Cap seemed to always be the first person to ever check up on you after an outburst.

"Could be better," As you sat down on the nearest bench, Cap took out each blade and handed them back to you. "Thanks..."

"Well, you're handling it better than the rest... they aren't exactly welcoming Loki to the tower... considering the last time he was here he tried to take over New York,"

"Woah, woah, woah, Loki was the one that tried to... Thor knew this whole time and didn't tell me?!" head buried in your hands, Steve tilted his head.

"Knew what?"

"That Loki was alive! Thor said he fell off the bridge and died!" Sniffling quietly, Steve wrapped a comforting arm around you. "He died... I mourned all this time and turns out he was alive?!"

"I know how that feels," he chuckles softly before lifting you up. "I know how much you must hate this, but take it from a guy who found out his best friend was alive 70-ish years later, don't wait to rekindle whatever you two had, it's not good, for either of you,"

"Thanks, Captain Rom-com,"

"Shut up, you and the girls are the ones showing me those movies," he pushes you to the side.

"I know, I know," you nudge him back. "I'll think about it..."

"Don't think too long, I think the big guy is out," Cap and you jolt up when a roar rung out.


"Puny god! No good!"

"Get that thing away from me!" Loki yells, hiding behind Thor.

"Hulk no thing! Hulk is Hulk!"

"And Hulk is the strongest Avenger!" You quip from beside him.

"Glowing lady!" Hulk claps his hands before picking you up and hugging the life out of you.

"Can't breathe, bud!"

"Hulk sorry," he lets you sit in his arms.

"That's ok, big guy," You were on Hulk duty whenever Nat was away like this week. Bruce wasn't usually left without one of you guys nearby. "Does Hulk want glowing lady to braid his hair?" his childish nod made you laugh and climb onto his shoulder. "How about a nice lullaby?"

"Hulk no sleepy!"

"A poem? Hulk likes Glowing Ladies poems, right?" His grunt let you continue as you placed a butterfly clip in his hair.

"Whether night or day, we will meet again
you said that faithful afternoon
your voice, your eyes, spoke promise
and yet I stand here awaiting your return, my love
your voice soothes me at night
guides me through the fog
and yet I stand alone
until we meet again,"

Hulk grumbles as you climb off his back, his form changing back to good ol' Bruce. "What... happened?" his hand combed through his braided hair. "Oh... Thanks, Y/n,"

"No probs, doc," he stumbles up, clinging onto his ripped clothing which you replaced quickly. "Let me guess... the grinch did this?" you look to Loki who was indifferent, though calm from the absence of the beast.

"Actually, Tony did," Bruce mumbles.

"Oh, shit," before Tony could leave, he was strung up against the wall. "Come on, Y/n! I just wanted him to bash Rock of Ages into the ground!"

"Tempting but Nat left me in charge,"

"I own the damn building, I can pay for clean up!"

"Yes, but I'm not bothered to move my things into another room because you wanted to play with jolly green," the group soon dispersed.

"I'll do anything!"

"Anything?" A grin spreads across as he nods. "Bad choice of words, playboy,"

"What does that-" face flat on the ground, he groaned and looked up to see you walking down the hall. "What does that mean??"

"Knowing Y/n, it could mean anything," Pietro shivers in fear. Suddenly clippers buzzed to life.

"Oh, Stark~"



Evil noises

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Evil noises

- Anna ❤️

Until we meet again: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now