Chapter 7 - Tea

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"This is the most peculiar music I've ever heard,"

"Well, it's Midgard music and the most popular, whether his majesty approves or not," You paused the music video playing on the tv screen. "But we're only getting started, Lokes,"

"There's more?"

"Much more,"

He groans before standing up. "Can we not listen to something other than crude lyrics?"

"What do you want to listen to? It's not like we can get Asgardian music here,"

"You forget I can somewhat sing, dove," pulling you close and off the couch, Loki placed a hand on your waist. Like smooth honey, his voice dripped gentle lyrics in harmonious tunes. His singing felt like Valhalla blessing you with a miracle.

Your own voice hummed along as you both swayed, the vibration against his chest matched the same as yours. Suddenly, you were spun out then back into his arms, back flushed against his chest.

"I missed your singing," you mumble as he rested his head next to yours.

"You will be the only one to ever hear it, dove," he stopped singing to kiss your hand softly.

"I don't see why you insist no one else to lay ears on it," taking his hand, you face him again. "It's quite angelic,"

"That's because no one deserves to,"

"Not even the queen?"

"You think I can go centuries without my mother catching me singing? The woman bursts into my room to just stand there," despite no music, you both continued to dance through a conversation.

"Friday? Play my slowed playlist," The AI complies as slowed and reverbed versions of the songs listed seeped out of speakers.

"I could have kept singing," he amuses.

"Yes, but then we'd stop talking and I enjoy our banter," his eyes roll made you smile softly.

When Pietro zoomed into the room to see where Clint was, he saw the holy sight and ran back to his twin. And just like wildfire, the entire tower was now seated in a room, camera watching the two of you dance.

"They're going to kiss right?" Peter looks to Thor who's jolly cheeks were glad his brother and closest friend amended their friendship.

"No, they did this often back on Asgard," he sighs knowingly.

"This is like a fanfic," Tony grumbles, looking at the group who stares. "What? You haven't been interested in fanfics written by you?"

"No..." The group unifies an answer making Stark scoff.

"It's frustrating, yes, but we must let them find their own way,"


Loki had opted to accompany you, after long persuasion to Stark and Cap, to the bookstore you still called your own.

Of course, the store was more often run by a good friend, James, you met at the grocery store. He was a very curious man, aesthetically dressed at all times and a very good lover... Not to you! To his boyfriends that stopped by the shop to check on him.

"Charming," Loki looks the store up and down.

"It was quite the deal, a flat above and the store below are mine... technically James owns the flat now..."


"Heard my name!" James never missed a single word, the sliding of wood against metal spun as he jumped off a ladder looking like Newt Scamander. "N/n!"

"Hey, James," you kiss his cheek and hug him tight. "How's the shop going?"

"Quite well but it does get lonely without my muse,"

"I'd be offended if I wasn't your muse," you pat his cheek and turn to a glowering god. "This is Loki, a very good friend of mine,"

"A good friend huh? Hopefully not better than me~" James extended his hand for Loki to take. "James, pleasure,"

"Prince Loki of Asgard, wish I could return the pleasure," his snide comment made you glare at him. "But I suppose I can fake it," Loki shakes his hand.

"Aren't you a charmer... I'm guessing you're the Loki who tore New York to shreds?"

"I am," the shifting Loki made was caught easily by you.

"Love me a good villain," James winks at Loki who furrowed his brows at the compliment... if that's what it was.

"Keep it in your pants, James, don't you have Robert?"

"Jeremy, but same thing, but I'm guessing your pronouns are He/him?" James looks to Loki again.

"Most of the time," Loki breathes out, realizing he has just grown jealous of a gay man.

"Loki is Genderfluid," you quip.


"Straight?" Loki repeats.


Loki forms an 'o'. "No, I'm... attracted to anyone of any gender identity or sex,"

"Pan, cool,"

"Pan?" Obviously these term were new to him.

"Pansexual, it's the term for people who have an attraction to anyone of any gender," Loki hums in understanding at your explanation. "I think I need to teach you about the LGBTQA+ community,"

"I suppose that means studying?"

"Don't act like you don't enjoy studying," a poke to his nose left him grinning, James smirked from the side as he brewed some tea for the three of you.

"What will it be?"

"Svartalfheim black tea for Loki,"

"Vanaheim aged tea for Y/n,"

You raise an impressed brow. "You remembered,"

"Can't forget your order, dove,"



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- Anna ❤️

Until we meet again: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now