Chapter 27-Love is quivering happiness

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What if I never forget you? What if, all my life, when I meet someone new, I can never fall for them because they aren't you?

I could hear people talking and I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I couldn't open them. I heard my parents and I heard Piper and then I fell back asleep.

I don't know how much time passed when I finally managed to wake up again. This time I opened my eyes. But I quickly closed them because the lights were too bright. And everything was too white.

I was in a fucking hospital. I hate hospitals. Why was I here? I want to go home.

"I think she's awake." Piper whispered. I felt her touch my hand. I squeezed her hand to let her know I was. "She is."

"I'll go get the doctor." My mom said.

I slowly opened my eyes to let them adjust to the light. I was met with a pair of warm brown eyes.

"Hi dad." I said softly. My voice broke and my throat burned. "Water." I managed to say.

"Here." He handed me the cup with a straw. I managed to get one sip and it felt too much. I moaned in something that didn't exactly feel like pain.

My eyes widened in realization. I was on pain killers. I looked at the bag slowly dripping and I started to struggle. Piper panicked and tried to soothe me.

"Stop it. Please." I whimpered motioning to the IV.

"We can't." My dad tried to explain.

"Please, please..." I tried to get to it but my body just didn't want to move.

"Kora you were in a car accident, you're in a lot of pain. You need the painkillers."

I shook my head. I don't want them. I can't have them.


Piper covered her mouth looking like she was going to cry.

"I'm sorry. The pain would be too much."

No, the pain I'll have to face when you'll stop them will be too much. I'm begging you to stop them.

I heard the doctor walk in. They made room for him to come near me. He put the light in my eyes and I flinched. Too bright.

"Follow the light, please." He said and I did as he wanted me to. "Looks good. How are you feeling, Kora?" He asked.

"Please." My voice was merely a whisper and I could barely raise my hand to point to the IV. The doctor looked confused at my dad.

"She doesn't want the painkillers. She was a drug addict."

"Still am." I managed to say before my eyes closed. Or maybe I didn't even say the words.

I was in a car accident. That's what he said. My dad said that. Was I? Was I in a car accident? When?

Then all of a sudden, the memories hit me. The driver who wasn't paying attention to the lights. Daniel turning the wheel. Us hitting that pole. And that goddamn awful song on the radio.

"Daniel." I said somehow finding the strength to open my eyes. One of my hands was warm and I looked at my right to see Lara sleeping in a chair holding my hand. I smiled a little.

The door opened and Piper walked in.

"Hey." She said quietly walking to me. "You're finally awake." She tried to look happy, but her eyes were red and puffy.

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