Chapter 24-I'm dying

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I wonder if we ever think of each other at the same time.

"What the hell is happening? Why are you here?" Evan asked. We were in my room.

I cringed debating if I should tell him or not. "It's been a rough day. Just rest for now and I'll tell you tomorrow."

"I don't want to rest, Kora. This is insane! He's a murderer. We have to get out of here."

"I'm not a prisoner." I said and his face immediately dropped. He looked like I just slapped him. "I chose to be here. I'm sorry that this happened to you, I didn't know."

"I don't understand. Why would you choose to be here?"

"It's complicated. Please, I... I can't tell you."

"Why not?" He raised his voice. He was obviously angry.


I was interrupted by a knock and I shook my head. Now was not the time. I opened the door annoyed and huffed.

"I brought you dinner." Kane said extending the tray. He looked behind me at Evan and they engaged in a staring match.

"Just stop, okay?" I said and pushed Kane out. "I will see you tomorrow." I told him and closed the door.

"No sex in my house!" He yelled from outside and I shook my head.

I turned to Evan and he was fuming with anger. I put the tray down and motioned to him to come eat.

"I don't want his food." He said through gritted teeth.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, go ahead and starve."

He narrowed his eyes like I was the one acting crazy. "It's probably poisoned anyway." He mumbled.

I took a piece of food and chewed it slowly. I moaned at the taste. "It's actually really good. He's a great cook." I said with my mouth half full.

Now that I think of that, both James and Evan are great cooks and Maia is not, so they probably take after their father. I shivered at the thought.

Evan was not prepared to find that out.

"Here." I said and put the fork in front of his mouth. He looked at it with disgust but opened his mouth.

He chewed slowly and then nodded. "It's fine." He shrugged his shoulders and I rolled my eyes.

He was so stubborn.

It's been a few days since Evan has been here. We've been sitting in my room all the time, because he refuses to leave and I refuse to leave him there. So, my training with Kane stopped which sucked.

I still haven't told him anything and I'm starting to feel guilty because every time Kane comes in my room, Evan freaks out. Kane finds it really amusing though.

"Check mate." I say proudly and Evan rolls his eyes. Of course, I won, again. "Let's play again."

"No, I'm bored." He groaned.

"Come on." I pouted.

He thought about it for a while. "If I win, you're going to tell me what the fuck is happening."

I frowned. He's never won before. "Deal." I smiled.

"Check mate." He said and I blinked at the board like the dumb bitch that I was.

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