Chapter 22: Memories

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a/n: i was originally gonna let you guys choose names for the kids and have them as, for example, O/n (oldest kid name) but it was getting confusing for me as i was writing it, and i couldn't imagine how confusing it would be for y'all. so, i'm really sorry if you don't like the names. all the names come from japanese origin. :)

A couple months after the wedding, Bokuto and I had our first child. Her name was Aiko, meaning beloved one, little love.

Four months after the wedding:
All day I had been vomiting. When I woke up, I vomited. During the day, I vomited. I had thought it was because I had eaten something that upset my stomach the day before.

It was time to head to practice and I was hesitant on going because I was scared I was gonna vomit again.

"Ko! We gotta go to practice!" I say running down the stairs.

"Coming! I'm coming!" he says and runs down the stairs as well.

He trips and falls down a stair.

"KOTARO!" I say laughing and I go to help him up.

He gets up and we both run to the car. Bokuto starts driving and I feel like vomiting.

"S-slow down, Kotaro." I say one hand covering my mouth and the other holding my stomach.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, I think I ate something bad yesterday and its messing with my stomach." I say.

"Oh I'm sorry baby." he says and places his hand on my thigh, rubbing it.

We make it to the facility, and we go our separate ways into the separate gyms for the Boy's team and the Girl's team.

Within twenty minutes of practicing I run to the bathroom to vomit. One of the girls, Kiri, ran after me to the bathroom.

Sitting in the stall and vomiting, I hear Kiri open the door to bathroom.

"Y/n?! Are you okay?! You haven't looked good all practice." she says and walks into my stall.

"I don't think so. I've been vomiting all day." I tell her.

"Babe, do you think you're pregnant?" she asks.

"Pregnant?! No, it couldn't be. Kotaro and I have been so caref-" I try saying but she cuts me off.

"Lets just go get a test, and lets just see what happens." she says and helps me up off the floor.

I flush the toilet and we walk out the bathroom.

"Coach! Y/n, isn't feeling so good, I'm taking her to the store to get some medicine!" Kiri says and she walks me out the gym to a nearby convenience store.

I pick out a test and purchase it.

"Do you have a bathroom?" I ask the cashier and she points to the bathroom.

"Thank you!" I say and walk over to the bathroom and take a deep breath. I go to the bathroom and test my urine for the pregnancy test.

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