Chapter 21: Wedding Day

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a/n: read the authors note at the bottom and comment what you want. whichever gets the most comments, i'll write! continue reading :)

Bokuto and I have been planning our wedding for months. Or should I say, I was planning our wedding with the help of Keiji.

The planning was so frustrating and stressful. The flowers I wanted were sold out, one of the brides-maids couldn't make it, and Bokuto couldn't choose who he wanted to be his best man.

8 Months Before the Wedding:

"Kotaro, have you chosen who you want to be your best man? We have to let them know in advance babe." I yell from the living room.

He didn't respond so I asked him again. Still no response.

I walked up to the bedroom and there Bokuto was, laying face down on the bed crying.

"Kotaro! What's wrong?" I say and I sit down on the bed next to him.

"I-I DONT KNOW W-WHO TO PICKKKKK!!" he yells crying.

"Oh. Are you still choosing between Kuroo and Keiji?" I ask him.

"Y-yeah..." he says wiping his tears.

"Why don't you just not pick either of them? Pick someone else, so neither of them will be jealous of the other, if that's what you're worried about." I tell him rubbing his back.

"W-who's gonna be your best man?" he asks.

Laughing I say, "For the bride, it's called a maid of honor. But, my maid of honor will be (bsf/n)."

"O-oh ok." He say sniffling.

"Here. What about this? If you can't choose by tonight, both of them will be your best man." I tell him.

"Yay! Okay!" he says and kisses me.

"Our wedding is gonna be AWESOME!" he says excitedly.

I leave the room and walk back downstairs to pick the color themes and handle other wedding planning things.

I sit down in the chair, so the woman can do my hair.

"Are you nervous?" she asks me pulling my hair back.

"Not really. I've been waiting for this day, and I know I love Bokuto with my whole heart. I can't wait to say 'I do' and spend the rest of my life with him." I tell her.

"Awww that's nice." she says.

"Will you two continue volleyball after the wedding? Japan is doing amazing because of the two of you. I've never been really interested with volleyball until the two of you went pro. You two have changed the game." she says.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate that a lot. But yes, I think we will continue. We plan to have our own gym or camp one day, that way we can help kids with volleyball." I tell her.

"That's very nice." she says wetting my hair.

An hour or two later, she finished my hair and I go to get my make up done.

I walked into the salon and get stares from everyone, especially from Bokuto's fangirls.

Murmuring and whispering among girls was common when I walked into places, so I was used to it by now.

"Hi girly! You excited for today?" the makeup lady asks as I sit down in the chair.

"Yes! But now I have butterflies in my stomach." I tell her and we both laugh.

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