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It had been another week after the little game the Slytherins had.

Hermione had found herself spending more time with the Slytherins as though they've been friends for so long. Pansy always had something to talk about with Hermione before going to sleep. Hermione had found herself enjoying then Slytherins presence. Though she knew her brother probably wouldn't approve, she still like to hangout with the Slytherins, Hermione had thought it was best not to say she was friends with any Slytherins other than Draco, she wasn't entirely sure how they would react.

Hermione had noticed being friends with the Slytherins, she mostly got closer with Draco. Not that Hermione minded that she was mostly getting closer to Draco than the other Slytherins, she just wasn't looking forward to peoples reactions of her getting closer to him.

Hermione had found herself regularly, without planning it, meeting up with Draco in the library. After the library they would usually go and take a walk around the black lake, talking, joking but mostly just enjoying each other's presence. This had grown to be a normal routine for them.

Hermione was once again in the library, with Draco. Catching each other's glances once in a while. Silence falling upon them after a long discussion of the boggarts.

"Hey, Hermione, I'm bored, are you almost done?" Draco whined, packing his stuff into his bag. Placing himself next to Hermione.

"Just one more minute" Hermione briefly replied.

After five minutes Draco became bored, but soon forgot about being bored when he began staring at Hermione.

Noticing every feature of her face, counting her freckles, one by one. Stealing a few glances at her lips, her rosy cheeks, he imagined them being red like he's seen before.

"Yes?" Hermione asked, braking his observations, raising an eyebrow.

Draco had been caught staring at her and he didn't care.

"Are you almost done? It's past like three minutes" Draco complained, giving her puppy eyes she couldn't resist.

"Fine, fine, let's go" Hermione gave in, packing up her stuff.

Draco and Hermione were making their way to the black lake in silence, occasionally glancing at one another.

"Why don't you play quidditch?" Draco suddenly asked, breaking the long lasting silence.

"Because, it's so dangerous, so many possibilities for you to get hurt-

"Not if you believe you won't" Draco respond quickly, cutting her off.

"Believing that I'm not is pretty hard when you in the air in a broom, really high" Hermione retorted, raising an eyebrow.

"You always have something to say back, don't you?" Draco asked, now raising an eyebrow at her.


"Hey Hermione! What're doing with this git?" A voice asked, both turning on their heels to see Ron, walking towards them in stomps.

"Have you ever heard of walking weasl?" Draco asked, sarcastically.

"Hey Ron! We were just walking to the black lake" Hermione said, ignoring their side retorts.

"Why?" Ron asked, glaring at Draco with hate.

"Because we can, why do you care?" Draco asked, before Hermione could say anything.

"We just were, are you ok Ron?" Hermione asked, starting to get irritated.

"Why with him?" Ron asked, nostrils flaring, pointing at Draco before letting it slap his thigh carelessly.

"Because, we're friends, and we wanted to walk to the black lake" Hermione snapped, placing a hand on her hip.

Draco smirked at her response, he was pretty happy at the fact that she told one of her longest friends that her and Draco were friends. Part of Draco expected her to lie, he was glad she didn't.

"Friends?! So you weren't joking when you told us you guys were friends? your just not going to care about how he treated you in the past, that he called you that name?" Ron asked, looking livid, fists clenched.

"No! No I'm not going to forget! But that doesn't mean I can't move past it Ronald! Come on Draco! Now" Hermione screamed back, in fury. Grabbing Dracos arm, she started to walk to the lake.

"Wow, so we're friends?" Draco asked, smirking.

Draco didn't mind that his arm was still in her grip.

"Ok, fine we're not friends" Hermione declared, crossing her arms over her chest, seating herself on the grass.

"No, no no no no no, we're friends" Draco quickly said, taking a seat next to her.

"Ugh! Ron is such a git! Trying to tell me who I can and can't be friends with!" Hermione finally snapped after a long silence.

Draco had expected this, he was just waiting for it to happen.

"I know right" Draco mocked, scoffing.

"He...he wasn't like this before" Hermione said, looking out into the sky in deep thought.

"Before what?" Draco asked, facing Hermione.

"Before.....before I told him, about Snape being my father, before I was placed into Slytherin, before he knew Harry and I were siblings" Hermione explained, playing with her fingers slowly.

Hermione wasn't completely convinced by Ron's reaction about finding out his two best friends were siblings. Hermione hadn't thought much of it. But now, she regrets not pushing the matter when they had told Ron.

Though Hermione couldn't really understand why Ron hadn't been ok with all the information given to him about his best friend, she had suspected it may have been jealousy. Maybe he was jealous his two best friends were getting closer. Maybe he was jealous that he wouldn't be seeing his best friend a lot anymore, since she would be hanging out with the Slytherins or maybe just a certain blond haired Slytherin is what made him jealous.

"Then he really is a git!" Draco said, capturing her attention.

"What?" Hermione asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well, it's not like you had a choice in anything that's happened to you, he's a git for not understanding that" Draco explained, shrugging.

"Yea, yea your right" Hermione said, bouncing her head slightly in agreement.

Draco stood up, holding a hand out for her. Hermione took his hand, smiling softly at him while steading herself onto her feet.

Once they began walking, Draco slung an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer towards him. Hermione didn't hesitate to lean into his embrace.

"We're friends, Mia" Draco said, still walking.

"New nickname?" Hermione asked, leaning a little bit more into his hold. 

"Yea, you like it?" Draco asked, pulling her closer.

"I love it" Hermione responded, smiling.

Hermione didn't want to say that was the nickname her parents called her, she was just glad to hear someone call her that again. It made her heart feel warm, especially since only Draco called her that.

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