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Hermione couldn't stop her mind from going to places she didn't want it to. Maybe Draco doesn't like her, he did show up to class last week with a girl. Hermiones suspicions of him liking her are all lost, she doesn't believe them anymore.

Draco had realized how the whole Ravenclaw incident could've been the reason Hermione had been avoiding him, ever since that day they've only had short conversations until she made up an excuse to leave. Maybe it drove her away, he wouldn't be sure until he tried something.

Unable to sleep, Hermione sat on the grass by a tree at the black lake deep within her thoughts. 

"Mia!" Hermione did hear who had called her or that they had sat next to her. Draco "hello, earth to Mia" he waved his hand until she lightly jumped.

"Oh sorry, I Uh didn't see you there...I should get going" Said Hermione standing up.

Not wanting to her to do her best to avoid him any more, he grabbed her wrist and said "sit".

"Ok? It's past-"

"Why..why have you been avoiding me?" Asked Draco cautiously.

"Oh...I erm...I don't know what-"

"Don't lie, I just want the truth" Draco had just wanted an honest answer from her "is it...because of the Ravenclaw girl?"

Hermione scoffed, standing up. "Get off your high horse, if you think I'm jealous I'm not" with a roll of her eyes she was gone into the darkness of the castle.

Now Draco was more confused than ever. So she wasn't jealous, but after he was seen with another girl she avoided him for a week.

Hermione didn't want to seem jealous even if she was a little bit. Maybe if she had say yes right now, he would've broken it easy to her that he didn't like her.

But he did like her. She just can't see it.

"Oh, hello" Hermione cursed under her breath, turning around to the Ravenclaw girl Draco had been seen with. Amanda Loyer.

"Hi" Awkwardly greeted Hermione, not knowing what to do.

"Draco?...he's mine" Bitterly replied Amanda.

"Ok? Your telling me this because..."

"Because I know you like him, you filthy little mudblood, no one can like you, it's just impossible" taunted the blonde haired Ravenclaw swirling her hair.

Hermione felt her anger rise high as possible, managing to keep her anger to a low she replied with "leave me alone" Hermione wasn't looking for trouble.

"Ok, hey Mia, don't you dare call her that again" Draco came walking, telling the Ravenclaw off.

"Oh hey Draco! This..thing won't leave me alone" Whined Amanda, pointing at Hermione with disgust.

Hermione scoffed "whatever, I'm not dealing with this" waking away, Draco quickly caught up with her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think-

"Just leave me alone please" Pleaded Hermione, not meeting his stare.

"No, please, i didn't think that would happen, I'll make sure it won't"  Draco sternly replied, grabbing her shoulders to prevent her from walking any further.

"Draco I-"

Hermione got cut off by a pair of lips gently being placed on hers.

He had to see, this would finally tell whether or not she liked him. He thought this would finally show how much he likes her.

With one second of hesitation, Hermione kissed back passionately.

Pulling back, his stormy grey eyes boring into her warm honey brown eyes was as though they had just confessed their feelings for each other.

Instead of talking, Draco slung and arm around her shoulder. Pulling her closer to him they began to walk into the Slytherin common room. Without a word, they walked to their respective dormitory's.

Draco woke up the next day. Taking a shower with a smirk on his face as he remembered last nights events. Remembering her soft rosy lips kissing him back. Getting dressed he couldn't help but wonder what would happen between them today.

Walking into the great hall, Draco spotted Hermione almost immediately. A pit in his stomach formed when he saw she was sitting next to Marcus Flint. Laughing at something he said, she put a hand on his arm.

"Ah, Flint, the ladies man. Apparently he apologized, they talked it out and boom, best mates" Blaise said, patting Draco on the shoulder before leading them to sit next to Marcus and Hermione.

"Hey Mia" Greeted Draco, smirking with a wink.

Hermione blushed, which didn't go unnoticed by Marcus.

"Come on Hermione, I'll walk you too class" offered Marcus.

"Oh, erm...I'm waiting for Pansy sorry"

"That's alright, I'll see you in class" Marcus gave a wink before leaving.

"Really? Flint?" Draco scoffed, scooting over to sit across from her along with Blaise.

"What? He's really nice" Hermione defensively replied.

Blaise coughed "jealous" which went unnoticed by Hermione but not by Draco who elbowed his ribs.

"Have you guys seen Pansy? I haven't seen her this morning" Hermione curiously asked the two boys sitting across from her.

"I haven't- oh wait there she is" Replied Blaise, motioning to Pansy who walked towards them. Taking a seat next to Hermione.

"Hey guys, Hermione! Guess who just asked about you? Marcus Flint!" Squealed Pansy.

"Really? He is really nice" Blushed Hermione.

"He's a git, absolute worst quidditch captain ever" retorted Draco.

"Well, good thing he's not a quidditch captain this year" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Come on, we're going to be late for class guys" said Pansy, leading her friends to class.

Hermione got pulled into an empty broom closet with a shriek. Wondering who it was she saw Draco come out from the dark.

"Draco!" Hermione squeaked, smacking him on the arm.

"What's up with Flint?" Demanded Draco.

"He's my...friend" Cocking an eyebrow, Hermione crosses her arms over her chest.

"Ok, what's going on with us?" Asked Draco, moving closer.

"I...I don't know" At a loss of words Hermione replied "how about I ask you what's going on with us"

"We kissed" Stated Draco.

"Good job!" Hermione sarcastically replied with fake enthusiasm.

Draco rolled his eyes before pulling her into a kiss. Pulling back, he grasped a hold of her hand. Entwining their fingers, they ran to class.

"Are we late?" Asked a panicked Hermione.

"Calm down Mia, we're not that late" Reassured Draco, pulling her into the classroom. 

Hermione was still confused about what was going on between them, they've now kissed twice yet haven't gone over what they were. Hermione had thought last night meant nothing to him until this morning in the broom closet.

Hermione purposely, wasn't going to tell anyone about they're two kisses until they had sorted out what they were. How this was going to work between them didn't truly bother her anymore.

Draco was still a bit hazy about what was going on between them. He wasn't willing to keep whatever was going on between them a secret for too long. Finding out what they were would be a bit harder than he thought considering neither of them knew.

Draco was sure Hermione had felt something for him, she did kiss him back.

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