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Hermione woke up to what sounded like someone running. Hermione had wondered why her mum and dad were running. Then it hit her, everything that had happened yesterday, she had forgotten but quickly caught up.

Swiftly getting out of bed. Hermione took a nice warm shower. Getting dressed Hermione put on jeans and a loose grey sweatshirt.

Walking downstairs with her hogwarts trunk she had still been wondering what that running noise she had heard earlier was from.

"Ah, Hermione please do join us" Severus said gesturing to the kitchen.

Hermione had placed her trunk down, walking into the kitchen she saw them. Draco Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy.

"Erm, hello" Hermione said taking a seat next to her father, awkwardly wondering what the Malfoys were doing. That was when Hermione had remembered Severus was Malfoys godfather.

"Hello, we were just informed about you, we wanted to stop bye and say hello" Narcissa explained, taking a sip from her tea.

Hermione looked over to Malfoy, he looked bored, like he didn't want to be here. One thing Hermione was happy about knowing her true identity was that Malfoy couldn't call her mudblood anymore.

After a long talk with the Malfoys about anything and everything, they had apparated back to their manor, leaving Hermione with her father.

"Ok, let's go, we shouldn't be late" Severus said.

Hermione nodded in response.

At Kings Cross Station, Hermione found the weasleys and Harry all saying bye.

"Umm, do you think we can...keep this a secret, I'm not ready to tell my friends yet" Hermione said, taking an interest in her shoes.

"Of course, Miss Granger" Severus replied, giving her a small smile before leaving her.

"Hermione!" Harry yelled.

"Harry! Ron!" Hermione exclaimed, running towards her best friends. Embracing them both into a hug.

"Come on!" Ginny screeched in annoyance, not noticing Hermione.

"Ginny!" Hermione happily exclaimed, embracing another Weasley into hug.

"Hermione!" Ginny yelled into the hug.

"Oh, alright enough, come on!" Ron said, playfully rolling his eyes.

Once they settled down into a compartment, Harry, Ron and Ginny were engrossed in a conversation about quidditch when the compartment door slid open. Malfoy.

"Malfoy? What do you want?" Ron spat.

Hermiones head snapped up at his name.

"Uh, Hermione, come on, McGongall, wants to speak to us" Draco said, ignoring Ron's question.

"Oh, ok, I'll see you guys in a bit" Hermione waved them off leaving the compartment before anymore questions could be asked.

Hermione and Draco walked in silence until Draco pulled Hermione into an empty compartment. Hermione let out a shriek.

"What the bloody hell Malfoy!?" Hermione screeched, placing a hand over her chest, breathing rapidly.

"Look, I just wanted to say, sorry, I've been a git to you for a long time, and I think it's time I stop" Draco explained

Hermione searched for any humor in his tone or face, she found none, he was being sincere and serious.

"I forgive you..." Hermione said, uncertain what to say.

"Look, I'm sure right now, you probably don't. I'm ok with that, just wanted to... you know. make sure you know I am really sorry. Come on McGongall is still waiting for us" Draco finished off, leaving the compartment with Hermione following behind.

Draco knocked on the door, after hearing a 'come in' he swiftly opened it. Professor McGonagall gestured for both of them to take a seat.

"Now, I'm sure your aware of your true identity yes?" McGonagall asked, pulling out a parchment.

"Yes, professor" Hermione answered.

"Well, I called you here to ask if you would like to keep this a secret for now" McGonagall explained.

"Um, yes please" Hermione replied.

"Professor? Not to be rude, but why am I needed?" Draco interjected.

"Ah, yes, Mr Malfoy, Hermione will most likely be put into Slytherin, if she is I would like to ask you to be a mentor for her being in Slytherin" McGonagall replied curtly.

"Oh, uh, yes of course professor" Draco replied.

Hermione bit back the urge to smirk, she knew he probably wanted nothing to do with her.

"Very, well, you two are excused" McGonagall said, folding her hands neatly together, giving them both a small sweet smile.

They both got up waking out. When they both left the compartment Hermione grabbed a hold of Dracos arm.

"Were you running?" Hermione asked.

"What?" Draco chuckled at her question.

"This morning, I heard running, were you running?" Hermione asked.

"No, your brother was" Draco said, his eyes widened realizing his mistake.

"Wait! What!" Hermione screeched.

"I Uh, I wasn't supposed to tell you that, just ask your father, he'll tell you!" Draco said before running of into a compartment with Blaise and Pansy.

"Argh!" Hermione let out in anger and confusion.

Severus never told her about having a brother. Maybe this would be a good thing, either way Hermione was frustrated at the lack of information given to her. Hermione never heard anyone in the house when they entered, wait, yes she did. Entering the house Hermione remembered she heard a door close. Was that her brother?

Hermione slightly jogged back to her compartment with her friends to see Ron sleeping, Ginny examining new quidditch gear and Harry looking at what Ginnys looking at.

Hermione took a seat next to Ron. Silently thanking Merlin he was sleeping. Hermione could always tell Ron had a small crush on her, although she was flattered, she didn't return the small crush. Everyone had teased them about liking each other, which Hermione hated, she didn't want everyone thinking she liked him, because That would just give Ron a confirmation to asking her out or something.

"Hey Hermione, what did McGonagall want to talk to you and Malfoy about?" Ginny asked, giving the piece of gear to Harry for him to examine.

"Oh, she just wanted to us to get along this year, honestly I'm fine with that" Hermione replied, lying smoothly.

Hermione did feel a bit guilty about lying to her best friends, but she wasn't ready to tell them yet.

"Well, I'd definitely pay big galleons to see you both getting along" Harry said, laughing at his own words, the girls joined in on Harry's laughing.

After a while they fell into a comfortable silence, Hermione began reading, Ginny and Harry began talking about potions.

Hermione always admired Ginny and Harry's relationship, although they weren't exactly together, hermione couldn't wait for the day they would start to officially date. Ever since Harry and Hermione had spent more time with the Weasleys, Hermione could always tell they both liked each other, she always told Harry to make a move, of course Harry had insisted on waiting until he Ginny got to know each other better, Although Hermione understood she couldn't wait until they would finally start going out.

Returning her thoughts to the back of her mind, Hermione pulled out a book and began to read, every now and then, glancing at the love birds.

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