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To say Draco was nervous was an understatement, he wanted everything too go perfectly well. He had a pit in his stomach as he waited for Hermione to show up at the room of requirement.

Blaise and Draco had spend the day in the room of requirement setting up. It didn't take too long, with their wands.

His breath had been held captive. There she was.


Draco saw as she walked up to him with a smile and blush taking over her features.

"Draco...I don't like secrets" Hermione whispered as she stopped right in front of him.

"No secrets" Draco said as he held his arm out for Hermione to take.

Hermione had chosen a dark blue sundress that stopped right before her thighs, along with black short zip up boots.

As Draco lead Hermione into the room, he whispered in her ear "you look beautiful"

Hermione was going to answer but got caught up in her own gasp as she looked around the room in awe. The room had turned into a garden, in the middle of the grass lay a picnic basket. Candles and rose pedals had been all around the basket. Hermione looked up to see stars, on the ceiling, it had looked awfully real.

Hermione turned around, instantly flying into Dracos arms.


"Do You like it?" Draco whispered in her hair.

"I love it" Hermione whispered back.

Before he had got a chance to say anything, she attacked him with her lips. He was taken back, but nonetheless willing to kiss back.

Whenever they kissed, Draco felt something new, something exciting. He loved the way her soft plump lips felt against his. To him, Hermione had also been kind of like a discovery. He knew her so well, yet he could always find out something to new to excite him.

Hermione found herself willingly falling in love with Draco. At first, she hadn't been sure wether giving them a chance would be worth it. Worth all the rumors, worth all the name callings. It was. It will always be worth it to her.

Draco led her to the picnic. Hermione had shed a tear. A happy tear. They laughed, talked, joked, snogged. Like they were the only two people in the world, to them, they were. Dracos eyes widened when Hermione, ever so slowly took a bite of a chocolate covered strawberry, making Hermione laugh.

Now, there they were laying beside each other, gazing up at the stars. Hermione wished this day would never end. She truly loves the blond boy next to her.

Draco rolled over to his side to see his witch looking up at the bewitched sky in awe. He truly loved her. He leaned over to brush a piece of hair out her way to fully see her face. Hermione turned her head to him, blushing with a small smile.

"I love it when you blush" Draco whispered as he continued to watch her cheeks grow a violent scarlet. Draco really did love it when she blushed, it made him feel like he had an effect on her. He had no idea how much he truly did have an effect on her.

"Well I really don't" Hermione giggled softly as Draco continued to stare at her as though she were the only person in the world.

"Hermione, let's play a game" Draco announced.

"Alright, what game?" Hermione asked while she waiting for his answer. Examining his features was something Hermione couldn't complain with doing. His sharp jawline, his grey eyes. His grey eyes were Hermiones favorite shade of grey.

"Favorite game, i ask you about something that's your favorite and you do the same for me, ok, subject?"

"Hmm, history of magic, quidditch team?"

"Montrose Magpies-

"What! Why?"

"That's two questions, and because they're the best" Draco answered smugly.

"No way! Holyhead Harpies!" Hermione argued.

Hermione did not know much about quidditch. But from having three best friends that are obsessed with quidditch, she found out the good teams. In Ginnys opinion, the HolyHead Harpies were the best. Ginny would be trying out for the team after Hogwarts. So, from the influence of her best friend, Hermione thought the HolyHead Harpies were the best.

"Montrose Magpies" muttered quietly under his breath

"Ferret" Hermione muttered under her breath, hearing what he had also muttered.

"What, what was that?" Draco asked in a mockingly mannerism.

"Oh nothing" Hermione sighed. Biting her lip, Hermione tried not to laugh.

"No, I heard that!" Draco got up, hovered over Hermione and began to tickle her sides.

If Draco knew one thing about Hermione, it was that she was extremely ticklish on her sides.

"Draco! Please...stop...it tickles!" Hermione screamed between laughs.

"Well...that's not the way I wanted to get you to scream my name" Draco murmured as he stopped tickling her.

The second Hermione caught up about what he had said, she immediately smacked him on the chest "Draco!"

They eventually left the room of requirement. Taking a short walk around the black lake, they headed back to the Slytherin common room. Hermione thanked and told him she loved him. The both went they're separate ways.

The minute Hermione stepped into the girls dormitory, she got tackled.

"Hermione! You need to tell me everything! Now!" Pansy demanded as she lifted herself from Hermione.

"Ow! Pansy! He took me to the room of requirement, there were candles and roses spread out. Oh and the ceiling was bewitched to look like the night sky. It was beautiful" Hermione said in a dreamy tone.

"Oh my! That's so romantic!" Pansy squealed "but why?"

"He said he surprised me with it as a celebration that we finally said our I love yous to each other" Hermione explained.

"Aww!" Pansy cooed as she tucked herself into her bed.

"I'm going to take a quick shower, I'm so tired" Hermione yawned as she walked into the bathroom.

Pansy giggled to herself. She knew, she had always had a feeling about Draco being in love with Hermione. Even before the war and finding out her true identity. She could just tell. She didn't know how she just knew. They way, Draco looked at her. The way Draco regarded her. Pansy always remembered the saying about a boy bullying a girl he likes. In this case, he bullied her because he liked her and because he had too.

Draco fell asleep with the image of Hermiones reaction to the room of requirement.



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