Chapter Twenty Eight - Truth Will Out

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My phone beeped singling another Gossip girl blast

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My phone beeped singling another Gossip girl blast. This one put everything in jeopardy.

Looks like the Virgin Queen isn't as pure as she pretended to be. Who's your Daddy B? Baby Daddy that is. Two guys in one week? Talk about doing the nasty or should I say B-ing nasty."

"Oh no." I breathed, I forgot all about Jenny and the plan, I needed to find Nate right now. I asked several people if they knew where he was. I found him.

"I saw it." I told him

"Blair is gonna freak out. I mean this is a total lie." he replied I took the last few steps towards him.

"We need to talk." I pulled him into an empty classroom.

"It's not a lie, Gossip girl is telling the truth." There I said it...sort of but it was a start and well he needed to hear it.


"This is what I wanted to tell you, Blair was sleeping with Chuck." his eyes widened


"Yeah, i don't know until recently and I wanted to tell you I just didn't know how or if you would believe me. This is why I didn't want to do it in school, this was the bad news." I told him

"And she had a pregnancy scare." I nodded

"The week of the cotillion, she slept with him and then you had the whole knockout with Carter and well you know. If you don't believe me I get it but Jenny can back me up." He stormed past me. I followed him and saw Jenny on the way.

"You told him.?" she angled and I hummed in response

"Not in the way I wanted but yes I did. Now there is gonna be a scene with is the last thing that should happen." We ran to catch up with him, but the time we did he was already arguing with my brother.

"Yes, Nathaniel. I took what Blair kept throwing at you and you kept throwing back." My brother shouted

"So what you screwing Blair for sport is my fault?!"

"It wasn't for sport. She needed someone and I was there." Chuck retorted leaning against the limo.

"So you cared for her?"

"You guys had broken up."

"For how long, a week? An hour?" Nate seethed then made his way over to Jenny and I

"I am sorry, I know how long you and I have been best friends, okay?" Chuck walked over and pulled at him to turn around.

"No, it's not okay Chuck. From now on, you stay away from me." Nate shoved him

"Nate." Chuck breathed

"Did you hear what I said? You stay the hell away from Chuck." Nate grabbed my hand and pulled me away

"Nate! Nate where are we going?"

"The subway, so you can go home and be the farthest away from either of their bullshit." He growled

"You just found out that my brother and your girlfriends slept together and your worried about the fall out on me? Nate stop." I yanked my hand away.

"Talk to me." I breathe

"Did you send the blast?"

"No, you know I wouldn't not with something like this." he nodded

"But you still told me the truth, and they'll know it. So, you're going home. I know it doesn't make sense that you'll have to see them tomorrow anyway but please." he pleaded calming down. I caved and nodded.

"Okay. Fine." He walked me to the subway and I went home.


The next day at lunch I was waking with Jenny past the met steps.

"Hey Rose, Hey Jenny." Peneolope greeted she was with the other B minions

"Are you joining us?"

"Um..." Jenny began

"What are you two doing here?" It was Blair. Jenny and I glanced at each other, we made a pact to try and keep out of trouble.

"We were just leaving." I say

"No stay." Penelope stopped us "Blair, given the fact you can barely manage your own messy affairs surely you're not in a position to tell anyone where they can and can't eat."

"Do you realise who you're talking to?" Blair sassed, shocked that she was being spoken to in this way by one of her minions.

"You mean a self righteous bitch who sat on her high horse judging everyone else?"

"Pregnant little hypocrite." Two of them bashed her

"Not that it's any of your business but I'm not pregnant." Blair retorted

"Nate must be thrilled."

"Chuck too." Blair's face went pialeler than usual. Uh-oh, drama, big messy drama and getting sucked even further down the rabbit hole.

"What are you talking about?" she questioned

"Nate and Chuck fought yesterday." I told her "He loved you that much he swore the blast wasn't true."

"But you told him differently."

"What did you expect me to do, Blair. If the shoe was on the other foot I would have done the exact same thing and told you the truth. Honesty and fairness remember. Believe it or not, I take no pleasure in this." I moved past them and went to sit on the steps. The others soon joined me.


Dan had his face planted on my counter, he had just been telling me what had happened with Serena.

"I mean how did Jenny even know?" he wondered groaning

"Wow, are you that dense? how do siblings know anything." he looked at me with a blank face.

"She eavesdropped duh. That and I told her some things as well." I added with a small shrug as I moved around the pitching to make some food.

"So wait your in on it together?"

"You act surprised, you know I was going to tell Nate, its the others that would think I either knew nothing or would keep my mouth shut. People are beginning to underestimate me again." he stayed silent

"So you said you loved her." he gave a silent nod

"And she didn't say it back." again a silent nod "Well there must be some reason, even I can see how nauseatingly she loves you. I recon it's her mother, I bet you anything she give her and Eric major trust issues with the revolving door of men." I future stepmother bashed Lily

"You think?"

"If I'm right you owe me a pizza and a shake." I shrug taking a bite of and apple, while i put on some pasta to boil


The next day at school, Nate stopped by my locker. He gave a hard sigh.

"Can I hide out at yours?"

"Um sure. I have work after school but yes you can be my puppy dog." I put slightly and grab his chin. "Just don't scare Moon." he chuckled

"I promise."

"So I'm surprised your not raging at the thought of Blair and Chuck." he commented

"I stopped being surprised at anything they do. Besides, she made such a fuss when she found out you slept with Serena and then when we kissed, well you kissed me thinking I was someone else. Come on, you can walk me to class." I shut my locker and we walked away.

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