Chapter Four - School Drama

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The next morning

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The next morning. I was a lot better, Arissa was fussing thinking it was to early for me to be returning to school. I however was determined.

"Arissa. I'm fine. If I'm not, I will see the nurse who will probably send me home. Just let me have some normality. Please." I pleaded with her, to stop her constant fussing over me.

"Fine, but I have let your father and your brother know of how serious your episode was. Mr Chuck should be keeping an eye on you." She relented, I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"Lovely." I sighed as she handed me my breakfast. I was then escorted to the subway which took me into the city. I messaged my brother who was waiting for me topside. I met him and we walked to the bus together.

"So tell me again why you're making me take the bus when we have limo's at our disposal." He questioned waiting at the bus stop for me.

"Because unlike the rest of the women in this world. I'm the one you love, adore and would do anything for. Where's Nate?" I smile back touching his cheek.

"I'm here." we looked back towards our best friend.

"Princess." he kissed my head.

"Prince." I beamed "Now I have been told that you know of my episode yesterday. Before either of you smother me with questions I vow that should I feel unwell I will tell you and go to the nurse. Sound fair." They nodded The buss arrived and we got on. I found a seat. My brother sat next to me as Nate held on to one of the overhead handle bars.

"Serena looked hot last night. There is something wrong with that level of perfection. It needs to be violated." Chuck stated and I winced.

"Chuck don't be so disgusting."

"You are deeply disturbed." Nate and I commented towards my brother

"And yet you know I'm right." he replied

"You're not right. And I swear Chuck if you ever, ever go to a new depth of depravity and you know what I mean. I will talk to father who will cut you off and put you in a deep dark hole so fast your head will spin. Do I make myself clear." I threatened Chuck didn't scare easily, truth be told there were only two people that could scare him. That was Father and myself.

"Crystal." Nate chuckled

"Screwed is the man that dates you." Nate commented to me

"Watch it." Chuck glowered "No one is dating my sister."

"Relax bro not all of those who are male are a man whore like you. Take Nate for example, despite being your best friend he is a well adjusted polite boy. How he put up with you I'll never know." Nate and I laugh

"Yes and I have a girlfriend." Nate added

"You guys have been dating since Kindergarten and yet you haven't sealed the deal." Chuck smirked, I rolled my eyes, my brother was so weird and disgusting.

"Who says seal the deal?"

"Losers like my brother. Come on this is our stop." Nate moved and Chuck slipped out I stood up and was moved to stand between them.

"Are you following us or something?" Chuck questioned a boy our age with a buzz cut.

"No, I go to your school. Identical uniforms. Isn't that kind of a tip off?" he replied. I chuckled at his boldness and decided to introduce myself.

"Ignore him. Hi, I'm Rose." I held out my hand

"Yeah, I'm Dan and I know I kind of carried you up yesterday?" he replied shaking it.

"That was you? Sorry I was well... not well. Thank you. Chuck thank the nice boy that helped me yesterday." I insisted nudging him

"You can't be serious." I scowled at him, he sighed "Thanks." the bus stopped and we got off. I took my brothers arm as we walked round the corner to our school.

"Only you, Rosie could make the Chuck Bass be polite." Nate commented chuckling from our encounter moments before

"And that my dear Nate is a power I never take for granted, Now I have a meeting, Blair has already called dibs on me for Lunch So I will see you when ever." I kissed their cheeks and hobbled away.


At Lunch I sat on the steps of the Met with Blair, Isabel and Kati when a young freshman came up to us.

"Hey, Blair. The invites as promised." the blonde handed her a box and she opened it, taking one out. The others gushed over them.

"Hi, we haven't officially met. Rosalie Bass. But you can call me Rose." I introduced my self holding out my hand for her to take which she did.

"I know...Uh I mean hi. Jen Humphrey, my brother Dan helped you yesterday." she smiled nervously

"Ah so you're the feminine voice. Well I've already thanked your brother for his heroic acts of my Damsel moment." I chuckle

"Not bad." Blair cut into our conversation "Here's yours as promised." Blair handed her and invite.

"Thanks." Jenny beamed

"Hey, here you guys are. I looked all over the dining halls for you. Hi I'm Serena." Serena smiled shaking hands with Jenny.

"I know. I mean Hi. I'm Jen." Serena took my invite which laid next to me on the step

"So when's the party?" Uh oh I smell a power struggle, i glanced at Blair.

"Saturday. And you're kind of not invited. Since until 12 hours ago everyone thought you were at boarding school. Now we're full and Jenny used up all the invites." Blair sassed

"Actually." Jenny tried to cut in.

"You can go now." Blair dismissed her and she left.

"Sorry." Blair fake apologised

"No, It's okay. I got a lot of stuff to do anyway." She chucked my invite back down. I rolled my eyes at how petty they were being.

"Well we should be going now. Unless you want us to wait for you. Looks like you got lot of yogurt left."

"No, go ahead." Blair handed Isabel the invite box and offered her arm to me which I took and she helped me decent

"Blair." we all stopped and turned "Think we can meet tonight?"

"I'd love to. But I'm doing something with Nate tonight." Blair answered

"The Palace at 8? Nate will wait"

"I could probably do half hour." she shrugged

"Thanks of making the time. Good to see you, Rosie."

"Only my best friends call me Rosie, Serena. I think you made it quite clear when you ditched us repeatedly that you don't see us that way. Well not anymore. Come B. I wanna speak to my brother before class starts." the four of us left.

"I thought you were still friendly with Serena." Kati wondered

"You try recovering from your own personal hell and see how you feel when you're ditched for who knows where. Where even was it?" I question my best friend.

"Coneticut" Blair answered

"Well, It doesn't matter. I may have turned over a new leaf but that doesn't mean I won't be walked all over. You learn who your real friends are when you go through shit. Blair was there and she is my truest friend." I leaned my head on her shoulder.

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