Chapter 16

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It was 4:30 am and I was waiting in the field for our first training with the new warriors. Since they were brand new we agreed it would be better to train them jointly before we had to split off to help train Mason. 

It also gave Mason a chance to catch up on what he needed to and get certain things out of the way that Blaine and I couldn't do for him. I will admit that it makes me nervous at the thought of training him. I didn't want to mess up. Just because I had a natural talent to fight didn't mean I knew how to teach someone else. 

"Alexandra," Avery stated absent of emotion. 

I looked up at him to see him staring off across the way. I follow his gaze to see what it was he was seeing if he wanted to get my attention. But, when I look over I don't see anything. I turn back to look at him. "What am I looking for?"

"Nothing. I just wanted you out of your thoughts. It's honestly your only weakness. Learn to ignore your thoughts and go only on instincts." He never looked over at me but I was happy with what he told me. 

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and look across the field with him to see our new warriors walking towards us. Unlike last time they are all on time. They walk right up to us in a straight line and stop an arms distance away and wait with their arms behind their back. 

Paul stood directly in the middle. He was the biggest amongst the warriors and knew that he would be the Boss in our pack. Just thinking of all the roles and positions we would have to fill to resemble an independently strong pack makes my head. 

"Would you stop thinking so damn much with your link open with me! I can't get any work done with your monologue."

Oh my God. I was accidentally mindlinking Mason this whole time. "Sorry. I'm just-"

"Worried about nothing. I know. We will do what needs to be done when it needs to get done. For now, get our warriors ready. Love you and get out of my head." 

That's only the second person to tell me to stop overthinking today. So I guess I have to take that seriously now. I nod to myself and look up at the warriors waiting for me. 

"Raise your hand if you had Avery as a PE teacher in high school." Eight of the ten raise their hands. That will make things a lot easier. 

"Good. That means you will be used to his no-nonsense approach. Although I am more approachable I am just as brutal when it comes to training. I hope you all can survive." I stop as one of the warriors raise their hand.

"Yes..." I pause since I don't know his name. "Enzo," Avery fills in for me. 

"Who are you?" He asks plainly. I just smirk at him as I tilt my head to the side. "I guess I should have started with that huh?"

"My name is Alexandra and I'm your Luna and one of your trainers starting from today. If you're worried about me being a female I was a warrior for the night stalker pack before coming here. If that still doesn't convince you Avery can also verify my credibility. Any other questions?"

I looked around at all of the faces of amazement. However, that look didn't last as Avery's voice boomed across the field. "Your Luna asked a question!"

"No ma'am!" They all shouted in unison. So Avery already started discipline training. 

I just nod as I start to walk away. Avery follows after and it takes a while before I hear their footsteps after us. Sadly we are going to do what I hate the most for the first part of training today. Run. Sadly it's necessary since most of them haven't trained since high school.

I stop at the edge of the start of the trees. "So, for the first month, we will have cardio training for the first 2 hours of training." The look on their faces told me that they did not have good cardio at all. "It will be one hour in human form and one in wolf form so, which form do you want first?"

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