Chapter 9: Do as I say

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"I live here with Ivan," The girl told. Anna didn't know what to say. She felt a lump on her throat. But she felt hurt too.

"You and Ivan live together?" Anna asked softly and the girl nodded.

"I'm Eve, Eve Miller, Ivan's younger sister" The girl explained smiling and Anna's breaths come back to her. The hope sparkled back in her hazels and she sighed. She just felt something strange for the first time. It didn't even give her a hint or anything.

"Ohh!" Anna said softly. Not knowing what to do and how to start she was looking down all the time.

Eve wasn't like any soft-hearted girl at all. But when Anna's precious golden features captured in her eyes, she didn't want to scare the little doll at all. She wanted to comfort her. She was looking so naive yet so hurt.

"Umm... May I know how did you end up here?" Eve asked Anna and unwantedly the tears build up in her hazels remembering about the last night. She just wants to go back to her granny and brother.

Eve can clearly see the watery eyes of Anna. She can tell that the girl was in some kind of tension.

"Umm, Let's go to my room. We will talk there" Eve said as sweetly as she can not wanting to make Anna feel uncomfortable. She gave Anna her pearly smile and pulled Anna with her to her room.


"Here, drink this. You will feel light" Eve said handing her the mug of coffee. Anna took it hesitantly sitting on the edge of Eve's bed.

"That's what he did," Anna said.

Anna told Eve everything about her and Ivan and how he was forcing her into the relationship. She was hoping that the blonde hair girl (Eve) could do something to help Anna. Or maybe she can talk to Ivan.

But the fact is, Even Eve can't do anything in this matter. She was feeling bad for Anna but she knows that she has not a single right to do anything related to it.

It was Ivan's life and his decision if he finally agreed to marry someone. Tho Eve is his sister. But not blood-related. They share the same emotions but not the same blood.

7 years ago

Ivan was on his way back to his mansion after receiving the consignment from his new partner. They newly engaged in the drug dealing business and it started giving them more profits.

The road was empty and dark too. Only some road lights which almost look like a lamp were there giving a little view of the clearance. Ivan was driving back when his eyes diverted to something on the side of the road.

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