Reconstruction Season 6 Ep 18

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Director: Dear Chairman.

The screen opens up with Freelancers attacking the structure.

Director: I don't give a DAMN about your committee and its opinions of my work! Have you forgotten sir, we were at war? A fight with an alien race for the very survival of our species? I feel I must remind you, that it is an undeniable, and, may I say, a fundamental quality of Man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable!

Cut to Church and Wash running up a ramp as they meet up with Alex, Tex, and SMG4 Gang.

Soldier: Over here, over here!

Alex: Um... crap.

Washington: Get that door!

Belle: Hurry!

The door closes behind them and they arrive with the Reds

Church: What's the status up here?

Grif: Fucked up, 'bout to die, Simmons is a nerd... the usual.

South: And I want to blow everyone's head off into pieces. I'm shocked you haven't asked for therapy, Colorado.

Alex: Eh, you get used to it. Like I said.

Sarge: Well, it Looks like we've got at least half a dozen squads out there. They know our position, and we're outgunned.

Washington: So, what's the plan?

Sarge: Well we were gonna retreat down the hall until you just brought more guards up that way, so now the plan's pretty much to go down swinging. You first.

Swag: I'll take care of them.

Alex: No swag, he might be here any minute soon. So don't go.

Swag: Dammit.

Grif: Hey Simmons, can you get back on that computer and change my affiliation from Red to Freelancer?

Simmons: Traitor.

Grif: Hey, you gotta go with the winner.

Caboose: Um, could you change my job title to something more important like astronaut-oh, I know, Space Marine!

Church: What are you idiots doing?

South: Well for starters, they managed to-

Simmons: (Cuts off South) This computer has all of Command's records.

Simmons: This computer has all of Command's records.

Church: It does? Records on everybody?

Simmons: Yeah. You know, theoretically.

Simmons alt-tabs the screen to from BLUES DELETED to something else as Alex, Tex, and SMG4 Gang managed to see the previous screen and looks at the Reds.

Saiko: You guys, are fucking idiots-

Simmons: Hup du-doo, doo doo, nothin' to see here, doo doo doo doo...

Church: Oh great, now I'll show you that you're wrong.

Washington: What an excellent idea.

Simmons: Wrong about what?

Church: Wash has been trying to convince me that I'm an A.I.

Tex & SMG4 Gang: You are.

South: Wait what?!

Delta: Alpha. It is good to see you.

Church: For last time, I'm not an AI, I'm a fucking ghost. And Wash is trying to convince me that I am Alpha A.I.

SMG4 X Red Vs Blue X Male OC Insert "Memory is the key"Where stories live. Discover now