Reconstruction Season 6 Ep 7

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Chairman: Dear Director.

The screen opens up with an inside sewer pipe that leads to South's old armor.

Chairman: Your program was granted the use of a single artificial intelligence unit, for implantation experiments. Yet, the department records clearly show multiple agents in the field with implants, during the same timeframes. Surely this must be a logging error, and we anticipate a corrected document soon.

Church: Okay. I have a great idea. Let's all put down our guns, and not shoot anyone else that we're trying to help.

Washington: Relax.

Church: Exactly. Let's all relax.

Washington: I've been through so much traumatic experience, and you're asking me to relax? I've been backstabbed, left for dead before they recover me with the healing unit, and later then ignored.

Church: Right, okay, sure...

Washington: Stop talking to me like that.

Church: We're not talking to you like anything.

Caboose: No one is talking to you like this...

Washington: You don't need to treat me like that. I'm not crazy, okay? I'm totally completely sane. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go blow up this armor.

Church and Caboose run-up to Alex, Tex, SMG4 Gang, and South in her new armor resemble the old era.

Church: Hey, hey uh, uh, green and purple guy.

Caboose: I'm blue.

Church: Delta and Theta.

Caboose: oh, them.

Theta: Yeah?

Delta: Hello. How may I be of assistance?

Church: Hey yeah, uh, what's the deal with this guy?

In the background, Wash shoots the armor with a battle rifle.

Alex/South/Tex: Wash?

Church: Yeah.

Delta: Destruction of unused armor or equipment is standard recovery procedure.

Church: Yeah, no, I mean is he like a whack-job or what?

Mario: Same question here.

Church: Oh shut up, fat plumber.

Alex: Um...

South: (Sigh) It's a really complicated story for us...

Wash then toss a plasma grenade at the armor and blow it up.

Delta: Are you aware of his experience with Epsilon?

Theta: ... Epsilon?

Church: Epsilon, oh, you mean his A.I.?

Wash then has flamethrower and South's old armor is completely engulfed in flame.

Alex: Not for very long though.

Tex: Yeah...

Delta: Correct. 

Epsilon was an... unstable intelligence unit that had to be deleted. Its integration with Washington's mind concerned our superiors.

Wash tries piling fusion cores and gas tanks onto the armor.

Church: What do you think?

Axol: Oh boy.

Church: What do you think?

Delta: I believe that Agent Washington's sanity is well within acceptable deviations, for now.

SMG4 X Red Vs Blue X Male OC Insert "Memory is the key"Where stories live. Discover now