Reconstruction Season 6 Ep 3

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Chairman: Dear Director, due to your busy schedule, we have begun interviewing members of your staff. I'm certain you will let us know if this bothers you. However, our debriefings keep coming back to a single subject at Outpost 17-B. Can you explain to us what this Meta is, and what your plans are to deal with it?

Miller runs down a ramp to Washington

Miller: Oh no! Hell no! Excuse me, sir, but no goddamn way!

Washington: You must be Lieutenant Miller.

Miller: I got Reds comin' out of my ass here boss, and you wanna take away one of my men for a... what did you say this was for?

Blue: Secret mission, sir.

Miller: Aw, you gotta be-a what!?

Alex: Oh boy.

Tex: Tell me about it.

SMG4: Same here Nevada.

Wash: I think you have bigger issues than troop assignment, soldier. Like getting some of these vehicles back in working order. ''Wash indicates to the burning tank and wrecked jeep.''

Miller: What do you think I'm talkin' about? This is YOUR fault! You sent us the new guy; he said he was good with vehicles. All he does is talk to 'em. Talk to 'em! What the hell is that all about? And now look at the damn things!

Wash: I don't need to discuss your problems. I have orders, and those orders say I need Private Caboose and I need him now. He has information that could be vital to this-

Miller: Wait a second, Caboose? You're taking Caboose? And I don't have to pay you or anything like that?

Saiko: I want to kill him.

Alex: Calm down. We don't want any involvement here.

Wash: Is that a problem?

Miller: A problem? Hehe, hell no! It must be Christmas morning n' no one told me. You stay right there, I'll get 'im for you. Private Jo-a-nes? Jo-a-nes? Jo-a-nes, where the hell are ya'!?

Jones: (sigh) Sir, for the millionth time, my name is pronounced 'Jones'. Jones.

Blue: Shut up, Jo-a-nes!

Jones: Seriously, lots of people have the name, it's very common. How am I the first person you've met called Jones?

Alex: Well me and my friends met people who pronounce Jones.

Jones: See!

Miller: Jo-a-nes, I need ya to go down to the brig, untie Caboose and get him up here.

Jones: Me... alone?

Miller: Double time, Jo-a-nes.

Jones: It's pronounced... never mind, Christ.

Washington: You keep him in the brig?

Miller: We keep him tied up in the brig. I'm not taking any more chances.

Gunshot, Jones cries out in pain, Caboose runs on

Jones: Ow-howhow! Why?!

Swag: There's the team killing retard.

Caboose: Be careful.

Caboose then approaches from what must be a general direction of the brig, without Jones

Miller: (to Wash) You'll understand soon enough.

Caboose: You wanted to see me, Principal Miller?

Alex: Principal?

Caboose: ECHO!

SMG4 X Red Vs Blue X Male OC Insert "Memory is the key"Where stories live. Discover now