Reconstruction Season 6 Ep 14

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Director: Dear Chairman.

The screen opens up with the jeep being chased by the Hornet.

Director: Sir, while I appreciate your concern, allow me to correct you in one area. I value all our subjects' well-being, but I revere above all else our ability to continue as a species; our ability to survive. And no committee, no bureaucrat, will ever convince me otherwise.

Grif: Hey I have a question, why do we agree to come along on these things if we're just gonna be the decoy the whole time?

Washington: Looks like you have it under control. I'll be right back.

Wash runs off as Alex, SMG4 Gang, Tex, and South watches.

Bob: 10 DoLlArS iF It'S cHuRcH.

Alex: Same for you, Bob.

Tex: Same as you say, Alex.

Cut to inside the base

Church: Tex? Tex, are you here? Tex, come on. Tex! Allison?

Sound of a gun cocking

Guard 2: Alright, freeze.

Church: Ahw, what?

Guard 2: They told us to be on the lookout for someone acting odd, and you're acting odd. So, hands up.

Church: Hehey, buddy, come on. You don't need to be like all...

Wash enters behind the guard and knocks him out.

Church: ...knocked out. Thanks, Wash.

Washington: Church, is that you in there?

Church: Uh yeah, one sec-

Church appears next to the guy he was previously inhabiting

Church: There.

Guard 1: What happened? I feel kinda...

Guard 1 falls over

Washington: What do you think you're doing in here?

Church: I had to see Tex's body I uh, ...she's like me Wash.

Washington: I know all about her Church. Come on, you're not gonna find anything in here.

Church: But where is she? She should be here, right? I mean, shouldn't she?

Washington: We've all lost people Church. What's important is that you remember her. And what's even more important is that you don't slow me down while I'm in the middle of a mission!

Sound of explosion

Washington: What now!?

Cut to Wash and ghost Church standing outside the base watching the chase

Washington: What is going on out here?

Sarge: What does it look like?

Grif: We're running from the stupid plane!

Washington: Well, we need to leave. We have a Warthog at Blue Base. We'll take that and you follow me.

Sarge: What about the ship!?

Washington: Well, take it down!

Shroomy: Well... the reds don't know who to do it.

South: Same as you, mushroom.

Sarge: Yeah, it's not that simple!

Grif: If it's so easy, why don't you do it?

Washington: Fine.

SMG4 X Red Vs Blue X Male OC Insert "Memory is the key"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora