Reconstruction Season 6 Ep 6

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Director: (voice-over) Dear Chairman.

The screen opens up with some rocky terrain, with Meta shooting at South inside o Domed Energy Shield.

Director: (voice-over) The Meta is nothing more than an entity seeking to increase its power, in these confusing days after the war. From my perspective, that seems to be a very common occurrence at the moment.

South Dakota: Delta, report.

Delta: Your suit's energy reserves are nearly depleted. The shield will not-

South: How much longer?

Delta: The Meta will breach our barrier within sixty seconds. I suggest that you prepare your grenades while I divert power from your armor's non-essential systems.

South: No.

Delta: You have a better plan?

South: Keep the shield up as long as you can. When it starts to falter, transfer yourself to the storage unit.

Delta: I think I would be more useful in my current state.

South: I'll dump my shield generator at the same time. There's no way that thing can resist the both of you.

Delta: You are... abandoning me?

South: It's my best chance to get out of this.

Delta: South, protocol violations aside, this seems to be a very short term solution. The Meta will only grow more powerful by integrating me into-

South: Program override, acknowledge last directive.

Delta: Acknowledged. Preparing storage unit.

South: Get ready.

Delta: Shield failure in five, four-

South: Get ready to eject.

Delta: Three-

South: Transfer to storage.

Delta: Two-

South: On my mark-

Delta: One.

South: Now!

A grenade goes off at the perimeter of the shield, and Church, Caboose, SMG4 Gang, Alex, and Washington come over the hill in two jeeps

Washington: There they are!

Delta: New targets encountered.

Washington: Don't let it get near her!

The vehicles all crash and are abandoned and people start firing at each other, with Washington behind a rock and Church and Caboose behind a wall. SMG4 on top and others flanking.

Washington: And don't let her get away!

Church: Her? Isn't she a Freelancer like you?

Washington: Yeah, just don't let her leave!

Church: Okay! Caboose!

Caboose: Hello.

Church: Hey, see that purple one? She's on our team. You should help her.

Caboose: Okay!

Caboose stands up and shoots South

South: Ah, son of a-!

Delta: Alarm, friendly fire!

Caboose: Um, she got in the way when I was trying to help her.

Church: Okay we're good!

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