* S E V E N T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

You woke up with puffy, dark circled eyes which was normal for you to have. You were awake before your alarm which was honestly not surprising anymore. You did your usual morning routine and glided down the stairs to quickly say your salutations to your dad.

Your mom had prepared your morning smoothie with a small fruit bowl on the side.

"Mom, I swear you don't listen to me. I said that I can't eat so much in the morning because of my mask," you groaned at her.

"But you didn't even eat last night. Please do it for me?" She begged.

"If you can pick me up today at 17:00 today then I will eat it," you grinned as you made your bargain.

"Sweetie, I can't do it today. I have a big meeting that will take at least two hours of my evening," she declined your offer.

"What about dad? Can he do it for me?" You cutely asked.

"No, your father will be arriving home around nine in the evening. Why not ask your friend from last night?"

"Well because he was an absolute jerk to me and I don't want to speak to him ever again?" You continued drinking your smoothie as the thought of Sakusa grossed you out.

He's such a jerk but Misaki? That was so uncool of her.

"How about not acting like a child when complaining about someone. It's either you ask him to do it or another person to do it or else you are not going to join the dance class." She warned you.

"Ugh fineeeeeeee," you said as you left the table to go brush your teeth.

~ T I M E   S K I P ~

It was the third class of the day and you still haven't asked Sakusa for a ride home again.

You couldn't help but avoid him and the question. You already assumed that he would take it your request as you trying to confess your love or you trying to persuade him into liking him.

You hated being misspoken, misinterpreted or misunderstood. It was one of your hatreds in life.

You tried during the first period to ask if he could help you with a question but he had ignored you the moment you called out his name.

*The bell rings*

You quickly took a sip of your water bottle and tried to catch up to Sakusa.

"Wait! Sakusaaaaaa," you yelled out the hallway.

He tried walking a little bit faster, hoping ignore what you just did but you didn't stop there. You kept on calling out his name.

At some point, you lost track of him which frustrated you, but you didn't give up just yet. After awhile a few people started to look at you with a worried face.

You began to walk away from him, wondering around the hallway calling out his name because you lost track of him.

"SAKUSA, SAKUSA, SAKUSAAAAAA-" you got cut off as you felt an arm dragging your arm to the an empty, dark, old classroom.

He lets go of your arm and glares at you. "What do you want?" He heavily sighed in frustration.

"When you put it that way, you make it seem like I'm confessing...geez," you felt nervous and uncomfortable.

"Are you not going to confess?" He sounded confused.

"Well no I was not planning on doing any of that. I wanted to ask for a favour..." You glared at him up and down.

"Why would you ask me for favour if we have just met yesterday?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Why can't I ask for a favour? Is there a reason for me not to ask you?" You contradicted his question.

"Well...not necessarily," he looked down at the floor embarrassed but kept his poker face on.

"So can I?" You asked.

"Yeah, I guess you can," he well collectively answered you.

"I was wondering...if you...could...drive me home today at 17:00?" You rushed out your sentence.

Silence filled the room.

Why the fuck is he not speaking??!!?!!
I swear I'm so stressed from this stupid conversation 😭😭😭
Ughhhh I hate mom 👩🔫😒

"Why do you have to ask me? Why not Misaki-chan?" He folded his arms.

"I did, but she is busy today and not to mention, I asked her to ask one of the boys but they said they were going to a party tonight. That's why I asked you last," you explained.

"No," he said.

"No what?" You lifted your eyebrow.

"No I will not drive you home," he said walking passed you, going towards the entrance door.

"Asshole," you scowled.

"How am I the asshole here?" He grew irritated.

"You didn't bother to say yes," you childishly turned away from him.

"Fine call me an asshole then," he eye rolled his eyes and left the classroom.

Why aren't you nice? Maybe that's all it took for him to say yes.

You began to slap your face multiple times out of frustration and madness. You knew that your mom would kill you if took public transportation but you had no choice.

~ T I M E   S K I P ~

You waved goodbye at Misaki as she accompanied you to the dance class.

You felt so much stress thinking about all your training you had learnt along the years of learning ballet.

You stepped inside the class and went straight to the teacher by the boom box.

"Hello sensei," you bowed. "I am L/N Y/N. I have already signed up a form to join your team," you smiled with your eyes as you took off your mask, realising that it would leave a bad image if you kept it on.

"Ah yes, I am well informed about you L/N-san. You may warm up your body over there where the other girls are. We will begin in a few minutes," she pointed at the corner full of ballerinas.

You bowed down and went towards the troupe of ballerinas.

You quietly put down your back, took off your Air-Force 1, slipped off your sweat pants, carefully put on your ballet shoes and began to stretch your limbs.

Once you finished, you walked to the bar and feet warm ups, relèver and back extension exercises to wake up your leg muscles.

As you lifted your right foot from the floor, you could feel thousands of eyes starting at your every move. This was not the reaction you expected.

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