* F O U R T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

You woke up the next morning all bruised in the eye from all the mental breakdowns you had from your frustration from your mom, to the kind outfit you wanted to wear, to the asking yourself constantly every minute how much you liked him and wanted to be with him.

You got out of bed took the outfit you wanted to wear from your desk. You decided to wear a basic striped white and blue turtleneck with your black Pablo t-shirt. Navy blue mom jeans with your checkered vans but they were downstairs. You (A) kept your hair simple with both your front parts behind your ear, and leaving your hair lose. (B) you tie your hair up in a ponytail and took your baby hair to either put gel and do your edges or you just pull out your baby hair in a stylish way. You gelled your eyebrows at the perfect shape, then you made a small minuscule wing with heavy mascara. You smeared on lip gloss to finish the look and a little dash of perfume.

You went downstairs and you saw your mom already packed like she was going to the beach. "Mom it's a volleyball tournament not a dance competition. You don't need that bag," you said as she was holding her humongous bag that she uses to pack snacks, make up, costumes and many more.

"Okay, then what am I suppose to bring then?" She dropped the bag.

"Nothing, just bring yourself and your wallet then you will be fine," you went to grab your water bottle from the fridge.

"Okay I can do that, I can do that. And what do we do in the match?" She continued to ask more questions.

"I will explain while we're in the car, can we go now?" You didn't want to waste anytime doing a whole q&a.

~ T I M E   S K I P ~

You had spent the car ride explaining the rules and instructions she had to follow during the whole day. You know how embarrassing your mom is and you know how she loves to embrace her weirdness to the public.

Back in the sixth grade, your mom would drop you off to school in her gym clothes every single morning which was part of the reason people made fun of you. You've told her that kids bullied you because of those gym clothes but she would just brush it off and say "it's not bullying, they are just giving you a nickname. All friends have nicknames."

You walked with your mom inside the gym and went directly to the empty that were closely near the court but not enough that you could touch the floor. You sat down and took out your phone to finish your book. "Y/N, tell me why did you want to go this tournament?" She asked subtly.

"What do you mean?" You tried not to reveal yourself.

"Well let's see, your previous school had a volleyball team and I've never seen you bother to ask me or you showing the slightest interest in volleyball matches," she glared at you with the I'm-always-right smile.

"Mom, I watch volleyball matches every Sunday, I don't get what you mean?" You could feel yourself getting nervous.

"Oh just stop beating around the bush, who is the boy? Is he on the volleyball team?" She got annoyed.

"Mom there is no guy, my friend is the manger for the team, so you can stop your worries," you lied to her.

How did she find out about this?

"Then why are you all dressed up?" She looks and you up and down.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment because this is the closest thing I will get from one," you self pitied yourself. She sighed and finally dropped the conversation.


It was the second match and Haikyuu were in the lead for this set. They only needed one more win to finish the game but Karasuno was not the piece of cake they expected. Their players were crazy good, especially the short boy with white hair and the other short boy with hi lights in his hair. The other teammates were not what you expected. They were together as one whole team which you admired since the opposite didn't seem to have the same type of energy. They constantly got into little arguments which you thought were cute at first, until you saw the frustration in the atmosphere.


The Haikyuu coach calls a time which was a good idea because the needed to shake up the flow of the game. Karasuno had won the second set which put a lot of pressure for the third set. You could see Misaki on the side, being stressed out as the boys were beginning to worry if they could win the set. The coach explained to them that they needed to work together as one than separate or else it will cost the game.


The score was 24:23 with Karasuno in the lead. It was Ushijima's turn to serve. His serve were as powerful and usual but unfortunately, Karasuno had gotten used to them that they managed to block the serve. Tsukishima, Daichi and Tendo were already by the net to block the attack. Tsukishima was reading the where the setter was going to pass to. The boy with the highlighted hair knew what Tsukishima was observing him so he changed the direction of where the ball was suppose to go and went the opposite way. The short boy with the white hair, came in flying in the air with such a graceful form and spiked right in between Kageyama and Kiyoomi.

The game ended with Karasuno winning. The crowd went wild with cheer including your mom. "Mom stop cheering, that isn't the we are supporting," you pulled her hands down.

"I know it isn't but I prefer this team. Imagine being in a team with boys like them," she wasn't complimenting them.

As you were walking towards the exit you were thinking about the match. You felt bad as the thought of seeing Kiyoomi when he lost was sad. "Just go see him already, I want to go home," your mom complained.

"See who?" You were confused.

"That boy you we're starting at the whole time. I know you want to, so just go and if you dare argue, we will leave without you saying goodbye," she stopped walking.

"Thank youuuu," you smiled and went straight towards the locker area. You were walking and you saw many volleyball players putting on their jackets and heading towards the exist. You started to walk a bit faster because you had a gut feeling that you might be too late.

After a few minutes of walking around in what felt like circles, you see a huge guy hugging the small looking girl. What's weird is that he had wavy hair like Kiyoomi and seemed to be the same height but it couldn't have been him, right? The guy arched his back over the girl to kiss her on the lips. She didn't hesitate to kiss back but with more passion.

Damn those really goin in like in those movies.
Yassss girlie, 👏 get 👏 into 👏 it 👏

You proceed to walk closer to them as you could see Misaki talking to the coach, but you were walking, you could see the guy's face was more and more like Kiyoomi's. His uniform jacket was the same as his the boys in Haikyuu.

"Kiyoomi?" You asked to confirm it was him. He immediately stopped kissing the girl and looks at with annoyance.

"What?" He said in such a cold manner. You went blank. You were shocked by this situation.

"Sorry, I w-was disturbing you. Continue," you stuttered, not even being sure of what you just said.

Author's Note

So sorry for not posting yesterday. I had so much homework so there wasn't any time for me finish this chapter. Thank you for waiting.

Enjoy your day.

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