* T W E N T Y - F O U R T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

The next few days were by far the best days of your life. You and Sakusa were hanging out every single day after school without anyone noticing. You didn't want anyone to stress you out by asking if this will be a long term or short term relationship. You tried asking him about but you never wanted to ruin the atmosphere.

On Monday, he decided to teach you how to drive in a none used parking lot. That ended up failing miserably as you nearly crashed his car against the lamp posts about three times. You were laughing/dying inside as you trying to reverse because Sakusa kept on panicking. After that he said he will never allow you to drive his car again. You found it fair and ended up making out for the rest of the night.

That same night you told your parents about you and him. You don't like hiding things from them and you felt that is was necessary for your relationship to have no lies. Your dad wasn't too mad at the idea of him being your boyfriend as he saw that he was smart, kind and diligent which is all he asks for you to have in a man. On the other hand you have your mom, who was furious by your choice as she believed he didn't deserve you for all the shit he said to you. But then you explained to her that if it were not for him, your metal illnesses wouldn't have improved in the slightest. He made you feel confortable whenever he touched you. She was still against your choice but she allowed him to date you. According to your dad, he told you that your mom is just sad that she is losing her daughter everyday and especially to your boyfriend.

On Tuesday, after you finished your exam last dance class, Sakusa wanted to go out and eat frozen yogurt. You were extremely excited. You had never eaten it before. He took you to a place called Wakaberry. There were so many options but you weren't sure what to pick. You asked him to choose for you but he said no. He wanted to you to try for yourself, so you took Y1/F and Y2/F.

He looked at you weirdly as your choice didn't look good at all. You told that of this tasted gross, he would have to finish it all up with no arguments. He sighed and went to pay for his and your frozen yogurt. You went to find a good spot for you and him to talk.

Once he came back, he handed you your yogurt and started eating his. You pick off a piece of the frozen yogurt and took a bite from your small spoon. It tasted so marvellous that you rapidly picked up a few more scoops. You told him how much hype loved the flavour and he smiled knowing he was right to bring you here. While you were eating, you told him about your competition that happened in November.

At the end you guys went back to the parking lot to get back to his car. You got into the car and you put in your seat belt on. You didn't want to end the night like this so you begged him to do a TikTok with you. He gradually said no which made you pout. You begged him to say yes but he wouldn't budge. You promised him that it wouldn't be a dancing TikTok. He sighed as he disappointingly agreed. You unbuckle your seat belt and give him a big kiss on the cheek, screaming that he was the best. He eye rolled with a grumpy frown on his face.

You grab your phone and searched the song you always wanted to use if you ever had a boyfriend. You found the song you wanted to use. It was Jenny (I wanna ruin my friendship) by Studio Killers the slow version. Many couples would use this sound and sing the iconic line from the song in front of their partner. You put the camera on the dashboard and pressed the ten seconds countdown.

"Okay you ready?"  You nervously said.

"No I'm not, I don't get it," he complained.

"Just look at me the whole time," you said as there were three seconds left. You took a deep breath and once the countdown reached it's end, you started to sing the song. You lip synced the words as you were touching his face and pulling it closer to your face. You tried so hard not to let out a giggle because it would ruin the whole thing. After you finished saying "we should be lovers instead," you kissed him gently on his lips. His facial expressions were soft. You stopped kissing him once the song ended but he didn't want to. He pulled you back in. Ever since that one night, you couldn't stop making out with him. You would want to do in public but he would always his mask.

On Wednesday, Sakusa had asked you to choose what to do on date night and you weren't sure what to do so you asked him if he wanted to go to your house to watch a movie. He said yes and said that he would come around seven in the evening.

After he had dropped you off at home from school you went to go set up the night. You set up the TV room with popcorn and drinks. You got blankets in case it got cold. You had set up the speakers for better sound effect and finally, you asked your parents to come home around ten to not disturb your night.

Ding dong

You heard the door bell ring. This meant that Sakusa was here. You did a little skip to the door as you were excited to see him. You opened the door and you saw him on his one knee holding out his phone and bag of your favourite sweets. "Um...hi?" You said looking very confused at what he was doing. "Can I ask what you are doing cause if this is a marriage proposal, I'm going to say no for the simplicity," you tried to be direct.

"It's not a marriage proposal, relax. I'm asking you out to the dance," he said unenthusiastically.

"This is such a small effort," you were unsatisfied.

"That's because you didn't even let me do my number," he said as he stood up to walk closer to you.

"If you look at my phone, there is a picture of roses because, I know you hate roses because they are useless. Then if you look at my other hand, I have your favourite sweets because I know you hate chocolate unless it's Ferrero Rocher. I couldn't find them in the area in time, so I went for the next best thing. The whole point was it to be like a cliché way to ask someone out but you ruined," he sulked with his grumpy face. "I'm no longer in the mood for a movie, good night," he childishly said as he handed the sweets to you.

"No," you dragged the 'o'. "You didn't even get to hear my answer," you pouted.

"But you didn't like my efforts, so why would I go to the dance with you?" He rhetorically asked. He continued walking to his car as he was genuinely embarrassed by what he did.

"My answer is yes, you asshole," you shouted.

"Why you calling me an asshole? Shouldn't I be calling you that?" He scoffed.

"True, but either way my answer is yes so come backkkk," you whined.

"No, I'm embarrassed," he shouted.

"Do you want me to embarrass myself?"

"No, because then, you won't speak to me afterwards," he disagreed.

"Just come back," you whined very loudly. He eye rolled and walked back to you. You opened your arms nice and wide once, he walked near you to give him a hug. You hugged him while being on your tiby toes "Now was that so hard?" You chuckled.

"Do you want me to leave?" He pulled away.

"I'm joking I'm joking," you pulled him back into the hug.

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