* F O U R T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

A buff guy with light brown hair and a guy with white and black hair walked towards Misaki and you.

"Hey Misaki-chan, can you fill the water bottles that are by Kageyama and Hinata?" The boy with the black and white hair spoke and pointed at the bench with the two boys.

"Sure, I can do that. Y/N, do you want to help me?" She asked looking at you.

"Totally, I don't mind, just give me a second," you said as you reached for your hand gel.

"Can I ask you something?" The boy with the brown hair and highlighted tips asked with a serious look on his face.

I'm in love with this man's voice.

"Yeah sure," you awkwardly responded.

"Where did you get that disinfect-in gel? I have been searching all over for it but they were all sold out," he pointed at the bottle you were carefully putting back in its place.

"Oh..." you surpreemed a bit shocked by the question. That's all he wanted to say? I am the package, c'mon babes. "I bought a whole bulk of them in Hyōgo because I heard that it's really hard to get here. I can recommend you the online clinic, if you want?" You offered. Though I do think they fully restocked yet. Should I tell him? Nah.

"That would be appreciated. Can you tell me the details after practice?"

"Sure, that won't be a problem," you ended the conversation and left the with Misaki.

The boy with the black and white hair seemed very confused with the conversation. He wondered why would he need that kind of hand sanitiser when he doesn't necessarily care about hygiene.

"Why do you need to know where she go her hand sanitizer?" The boy with the black and white hair asked.

"I accidentally stepped on Sakusa-kun's hand gel and he threw a fit at me. He told me I had to buy him a new one, but I haven't found that specific for the past week," he responded they walked back to the court.

You and Misaki grabbed the bottles on top of the bench and put them in a basket. You both exited the gym and went to the water distributors.

"Misaki-chan, how do you do it?" You asked while filling the bottles.

"Do what?" She wondered.

"All those men are so fine as hell, and yet you haven't cuffed any of them? How do you do it? Maybe I'm just for the streets cause there's no explanation that will convince that it's normal not to like any of them," you sighed.

"Oh no, I'm dating one of them, Wakatoshi, the one who asked you about the hand gel. Besides him, I find the rest pretty ugly and horrible boyfriend material. They never respect me," she explained. "He was the only one decent enough to greet me and inform on things the team forgets to mention.

"Not me wanting to sleep with him too...it's cool I will be a hoe to the ones you don't like," you joked. But maybe, I am for the streets. Sleep with him, really? Babes, you're a virgin.

"But aren't you a germaphobe?" She giggled.

"I am, your point?" You glared at her confusingly.

"My point is that you are germaphobe m, so won't you be uncomfortable fucking them all?"

"Can you not let me live in my own fantasy world like...." you looked at her with this pose.

"Okay, okay, fine, but can I choose who you get to fuck?" Misaki closed the last bottle and put it in the basket

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"Okay, okay, fine, but can I choose who you get to fuck?" Misaki closed the last bottle and put it in the basket.

"Sure, I give you permission to choose who I get to sleep with," you said as you closed your last bottle. It's not like I'd say no. #nostandards

"And you can't back down," she ordered.

"Well this isn't real, so yeah I would never," you confidently answered.

"Awwww, but I want it to be real. Please?" She pouted like a baby.

Are you out of your right mind? I should tell her I joke 90% of the time cause...lord knows I won't be doing shiat til I graduate.

We were close to arriving to the gym you paused, to put down the basket. You wanted to tell her that you wanted to end this conversation before they eavesdrop.

"No, because making bets on people is wrong and I would never want to do that. Imagine if I end liking this person like they would totally hate me and never want to talk to me again," you explained how you are not a cruel person. I've seen enough movies to know that it's never a good idea to pull tricks on someone just to fall for them.

"Why do you have to be such a good person. Ugh, so annoying," she sighed.

You both entered the gym and saw that the boys have already began a practice match of three sets. Three versus three. You got so excited that you nudged Misaki to hurry up to go put down bottles and watch the game.

As soon as you finished laying the bottles on the table, you rushed back to your seat, to not miss anymore of the game. You both sat down by the first row and observed the game.

Everything from the passes to spikes to the serves fascinated you so much. You always wondered why you never decided to play volleyball but then again, you knew deep inside that you would never be good enough, no matter how hard you tried. And you have accepted that, even though you think about it constantly day and night.

"So tell me, who would you pick to sleep with for a one night stand?" Misaki asked as she was watching the game.

"Okay let's see...I would definitely sleep with the guy who served just a few minutes ago. He had pretty dark brown hair and he argued with Miya-kun." Misaki started to giggle while trying to keep a straight face.

"Next, I would definitely do Miya-kun even though he touched my face with his dirty ass hands. I just know it in my mind he would know how to rock my body right," you bit your lip thinking of how he would butter you up all night without stopping.

"I would take Kiyoomi-kun as well."

The moment she heard those words, she immediately stopped watching and starred at you with stars in her eyes."Shut the front door, you would actually do it?" She whispered in your ear with excitement.

"Second, I know he was a dick to me but listen here, I don't make the rules. He is hot with his body portion, height and deep voice but that is it. Remember you said 'one night stand' so I won't be doing it ever again," you argued trying to convince her that he is your type but not someone you would date.

"Okay but like who would you date out of all of them?" She continued the conversation.

"No one," you straight forwardly responded. "No one? Why?" Misaki looked disappointed.

"I don't date to have fun. If I'm dating then I'm dating to get married and shit like that. I first have to like their face then I have to love their personality. Surprisingly, so far no one has caught my eye. Personality wise of course," you ended the conversation with a sigh.

"It's a shame," she let a deep sigh and returned back to the game.

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