* T W E N T Y - F I F T H * * C H A P T E R *

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That night, Sakusa and I watched a horror movie as it was his favourite genre. I however, was not a fan of films that involved jump scares. He wanted to watch IT with me but I immediately said no. He sulked the for a while as I told him we were going to watch the Joker instead but then, he eventually gave in and cuddled me throughout the movie.

When the movie was done, I had told him that he needs to go home as mom and dad would be home any minute. I am pretty embarrassed of bringing someone at my house, especially when they have to my parents.

Once he left, I ran to my room to get my laptop as I needed to search for a dress to wear for the dance. I searched up the dress shop that is near my house. Luckily they are going to be open on tomorrow til 18:00. Since the school allowed students to stay home as we never did anything this week so far, it gave me the chances to try outfits the whole day.

Buzz buzz

My phone rings and it is Misaki calling me. "Yeah what's up?" I answered the phone.

"I don't know what to wear on Friday. I really want to look good for TsumTsum and since you aren't going to the dance, you have to help me out tomorrow. No excuse," she panicked.

"Well actually, I changed my mind. I am going to the dance so tomorrow we can both go together," I awkwardly laughed.

"Wait...what?" She was confused. "Did you finally say yes to Tooru? Omg, so you are into clingy men. Good for you...good for you," she was genuinely surprised.

"No no no no no, I didn't say yes to Tooru. I said yes to someone else,"I began to feel my heart pounding.

"Then who? OMG IS IT TSUKISHIMA?!?!! I should've seen it coming. I mean, his tsundere personality just makes him such a turn on. Good for you...good for you," I was generally at a loss of words.

"Um, Misaki? Listen, I'm not part of your tsundere type beat club so don't bring me in and second, I would never date Tsuki when I know he would constantly bully me," I explained.

"Ugh, just tell me who the fuck it is because I don't feel like searching inside my brain who it could be," Misaki whined.

"I will tell you tomorrow," you grinned.

"You bitch, I-" before she could finish her sentence, I already hanged up the phone. I chuckled under my breath as I found it funny to imagine Misaki strangling me tomorrow when I tell her that Sakusa asked me.

After the call, I changed into my pyjamas, got into the bed and called Sakusa as this became our daily routine.


I woke up by the sound of my alarm waking me up on a cold Thursday morning. It was 08:15 and I was not having this time. I regret talking all night with Sakusa until 01:00.

I got out of bed and went to my desk to get my already prepared clothes. I go into the bathroom and skipped my morning routine. I don't have time to anything as I am running late. I put on my basic sweatpants-crop-top combo on with a warm bomber jacket like winter coat and quickly tidied my hair.

I got out of bathroom and went downstairs to go and wait for Misaki. She was the one who was going to pick me up.

"Sweetie, why are you up so early?" Mom yawned as she dragged herself downstairs.

"I'm going gown shopping with Misaki," I replied as I was putting my shoes on.

"And you are going shopping for her?" She walked to the kitchen.

"No, I'm also shopping for myself," I finished putting on my shoes and went towards her.

"But didn't you say you weren't going to go unless you had a date?" She leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, I said that."

"So you have a date to the dance?" She asked as her voice became husky.

"Yeah I do," I smiled. I look at my phone to see if there were any messages from Misaki and fortunately there were. She said that she was close and that she would be here in a minute.

"Who?" She was confused. I started to walk towards the front door.

"Sakusa of course," I stated the obvious with a small giggle.

"And how did he ask you?" She said as she was definitely not happy with my answer.

"Well," I giggled. "He did this cliché little thing for me that I found super cringe but he managed to convince me," I smiled as I was thinking about the scenario. She rolled her eyes at me and I laughed as I found this funny for her to be "jealous" of our relationship.

I checked my phone again and I saw that Misaki sent a message saying she is outside. "Mom, I'm leaving. She is already waiting for me," I said as I was walking to the entrance door. "Bye mom, I love you," I smiled as I closer the door and left the house.

I speed walked to the car and went directly inside. "Hey Misaki," I put on my seat belt.

"Hey girlie," she yawned as she pulled out from my driveway. "So tell me who this mysterious guy who you are taking to the dance," she smirked as she as she was driving to the mall near my house.

"First of all, he asked me," I commented with a sassy attitude. "Second, the guy is someone pretty amazing," I blushed.

"Oooo tell me more," she grinned.

"Well, he is really tall, has a very unexpecting personality that gets me annoyed but at the same time, I smile every single time he ever tried to make a joke or when he does these cringe like gestures for me. His grades are impeccable which sucks because I finally found a guy that beats me in every single grade I get. He doesn't rub in my face because he knows that I will get really sad. And yeah, I think that's it," I described him detail by detail. We had already reached the mall gates by the time I finished talking.

"Shit, if only I could find a guy like him. He sounds amazing. I'm so happy for you. But like, who is he though? I really want to know," she said as she was trying to find a good parking spot.

"Well..." I hesitated.


"It's..." I became very nervous.

"Ugh just tell me, I promise I won't be mad if it's Daichi," she sighed.

"It's Sakusa," I quickly said. Her mouth dropped. She rushed to park her car.

"So you are telling me, you were describing him the whole time," she switched off the car engine.


"Oh my fucking gosh, he really must like you to have opened up like that," she chuckled. "Shit...just shit," she continued. "I'm so happy for you. You totally deserve someone like him," she smiled.

"Thank you," I sniffled as tears of joy came to my eyes. "You know, I thought you were going to talk down about how I need to get over him and that he is an asshole for doing that shit to me," I broke down.

"Wait Y/N, why are you crying? I would always tell you when you are making a mistake and this is not one of them," she held my hands as my tears slid down my face.

"I don't know...I just feel like I'm making a mistake. Like am I ready to actually date a guy like him or not? Does he actually like me or does he do it because of the thrill of it. I don't know, I've been such a mess ever since I had the thought of him wanting to break up with me since I'm not good enough for him,"  I unleash my hands from hers and whipped my tears.

"He doesn't want to break up with you, I promise. He really cherishes you," she tried to reassure me but I was in denial.

"How can assure that he doesn't want to break up with me? University is coming up and he said that he wants to focus on his career which I understand but it just hurts knowing hat he would find someone else during the time we spend apart," my cries became agressive as I spoke louder.

"I know something that you don't and I can guarantee you that this secret will stop your cries," she looked into my eyes with a serious face.

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