* T W E N T Y - S E V E N T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

After your mom had taken full control of you, she made sure you looked your best. She styled your hair in the most suitable way to fit the dress you were going to wear. She did your make up with neutral colours. She wanted you to look like you put a filter on yourself.  She even managed to get rid of your red eyes.

Once you were done getting ready, your mom grabbed her Canon camera and called your father. "What's wrong?" He said walking towards the front entrance.

"I need you to look at your daughter. Look at how I enhanced her features like a filter on Snapchat. Come on...be proud of me," your mom wiped a fake tear.

"You look very pretty Y/N," your dad complimented.

"Thank you dad," you smiled.

"That's it! That's the smile! Now stay like that," she demanded as she was taking the photos. You stood still and held your pose.

Ding dong

"He's here," you whispered while you were covering your face with your hands as you were flustered.

"Don't touch your face! I did not spend hours doing this just for you to ruin it now!" Your mom screeched at you. You took your hands off in fear. Your dad ignored the situation and went to go open the door.

"Hello there," your dad smiled as Sakusa. Your dad was very tall, so when he looked down upon him, it made Sakusa feel intimidated.

"Hello sir,"  he bowed.

"Oh no it's okay, you don't need to bow down for me," your dad chuckled. "Y/N, you ready to go?" Your dad turned around to look at you.

"No, I forgot my mask in my room, give me a second," you said as you ran upstairs.

"Why don't you come in," your dad offered. Sakusa nodded and walked inside. When he stepped inside he saw your mom glaring at him with fierce eyes.

"So you must be Kiyoomi Sakusa," she fake smiled.

"Yes Mrs. L/N," he bowed down.

"Let's see," she stepped forward to Sakusa.

"Honey..." your dad warned her.

"What?" She chuckled. "I'm just looking at my daughter's boyfriend." She replied to your dad. "Now let's see...you are shorter than I expected. You seem pretty slow when it comes to thinking. Gets scared easily..." you mom begins to describe him.

"Honey, how would you know if he gets scared easily?" Your dad was confused.

"Isn't it obvious? His body language when he saw you by the door. He was definitely scared." Sakusa had nothing to say because it was true. "I mean I could list all your flaws all night, but I won't since this would hurt your feelings. So here is something you can do for me. I want you to never mess up again like the way you did last time. I don't care what she said, I will put the blame on you no matter what. Know exactly what you want out of this relationship because I am tired of hearing my daughter cry because 'sOmEoNe IsN't ReAdY tO cOmMiT'," she spoke in her deep voice.

Your dad and Sakusa were speechless. They were too scared to speak. "I..." he cleared his voice. "I will not mess it up with her," he straightforwardly said.

"Great, that's all I wanted to you to say," she smiled. "Just another thing before my daughter comes back," she said as she leaned closer to him. "I am certified black belt in Taekwondo  and I know that you are a germaphobe so it will be very easy for me to torture you," she whispered in his ear.

"Mom what's wrong," you said as you were walking down the stairs.

"Oh nothing, just asked him what products he used for his hair," she lied. "Anyways, I need at least five pictures of you guys together, and I want it in front of the door," she said as she went to grab her camera from the table. You guys did as she said and went towards the door and stood side by side awkwardly. "Come on, you guys have to feel each other. Move closer together," she commanded.

You took the opportunity to grab his hand around your neck. He startled a little but then he adjusted his arm to make the photo look cleaner. You held the hand that was around your neck as you gazed into his eyes. His eyes soften as he looked into your glistening eyes. You both shared a graceful smile. "Yes, this is the one. This is the one. Stay still....yes! Now change positions," she was thrilled.

"I think that's enough honey. Thank you for your time, you may go. Please just be sure to bring her home before 01:00 as I don't want her out too late," he stopped your mom.

"Will do sir, thank you," he agreed as he walked to the entrance door with you.

"Bye sweetie. Make sure to take lots and lots of pictures for me," your mom yelled as you had already left the house.

"I will," you answered as you closed the door. You caught up with Sakusa on his way to the car. You got into the car and put on your seat belt. "Why didn't you kiss me when were taking the picture?" You pouted.

"Because I am in front of your parents and I have to make a good impression on them," he sighed as he turned on the engine.

"But I'm sure they loved you, especially my dad," you assured him while he was reversing.

"No they don't but it's fine," he said after he drove towards the freeway.

"Did my mom say anything to you?" You eye rolled your eyes.

"Maybe," he shortly answered.

"What did she tell you?" You heavily sighed.

"Well...she threatened me that she will torture me if I miss up and then she complained about you not having faith in me and that you think I don't like you. The last two I don't believe but the rest I highly do," he explained.

Your eyes sprung wide open when he mentioned you not having faith.

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