* T W E N T Y - T H I R D * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

"You are kidding me? I swear we are the same. I was worried about it too but then I thought that there was no way I could be that bad. You've kissed a lot of girls before right? So there is no excuse for you to be like this," you tried to comfort him. You laid your head onto his chest and looked at him.

"I've only kissed one girl for one and for two, you are somehow different than her," he put his arm around your shoulder.

"How am I somehow different?" You laughed.

"I've never been so nervous around somehow in my life, and I've been up against the iron wall," he gazed into your eyes.

"Is that all?" You sang.

"No. You taught me a valuable lesson that got me into my dream school," you scooter closer to him.

"Valuable lesson?" You were curious.

"Yeah. When we had our fight you said some hurtful stuff that I took to heart. During that period, I became self conscious about my spikes and started to practice like crazy everyday. I then told Atsumu and Tobio about it  and they helped me out. Unfortunately, they know about what happened" He explained.

"That explains why Atsumu wasn't hanging out with me during the first few months. Anyways, I'm glad it helped but I didn't mean what I said though. I just said things that I knew would make someone sad," you felt ashamed.

"Luckily I didn't learn that earlier," he was relieved.

"But if I had said that then we would have been together earlier than now," you pouted as you were getting sad.

"True but right now I am with you. Let's try not to think about the what ifs and had Is." He quickly kissed you on the forehead after he spoke. Your eyes widened as you weren't ready for this. He laughed at your reaction as he found it adorable. You didn't like that he laughs every time you get flustered or embarrassed. So you decided to kiss his cheek to get even.

He stopped laughing and his face went red. He was shocked. "Now we're even," you laughed. He didn't like the sound of that so he kissed you cheek as well.

"What is wrong with you?" you said frustrated as you had to do the same.  You grabbed his face and kissed his forehead. "Now stop it," you said as you let go of his face. He ignored you and still kissed your cheek. You grew annoyed as he kept on laughing so you quickly kissed his lips. "I win," you kept your cool. "No I win," he said as he cupped your face and kissed you on your lips. As you were kissing his soft lips you put your hands on his chest. You weren't sure what you were doing but you just kept at it. You were happy  that your first kissed ended up being better than you expected.


After your make out session, you guys decided to watch a movie on Netflix. "What movie do you wanna watch?" You laid on him as if he were a pillow.

"Anything you want, I don't mind," he rested his head on top of yours.

"Okay then let's watch To All The Boys I've Loved Before," you said clicking on the movie.

"Didn't this movie have bad ratings?" He asked.

"No it was the second movie that was trash but this one is way better. I've watched at least a hundred times," you pressed play and the movie started.

"Why so many? Is it that good?"

"I mean when you are Noah Centineo, you are worth watching a hundred times," you smiled. He eye rolled at your comment.

His grumpy face started to reveal itself as the movie continued. He thought to himself why would you like such a bad movie. "I'm way better looking than him," he thought to himself. "Y/N, do you know what time the movie ends?" He sighed. You didn't respond to his question. "Y/N?" He touched your arms. You didn't respond for the second time and he realised that you were asleep. He didn't want to continue this movie any longer so he switched off the TV. He gently moved you so he could get up. He picked you up in bridal position and went to your room.

Once he arrived to your room, he noticed how cold it was so he went to switch on your heater. He then drops you softly onto your bed and went to downstairs to get his gym bag. He goes to the kitchen to get his hoodie. He didn't want to go inside your closet as it was private. He went back into your room and tried to put on his hoodie onto your body. You woke by the touch of his hands touching your skin. You squinted your eye open and looked at him. He looked like he was struggling. "What are you doing?" You made a face as you were grumpy.

"Your room was cold so I decided to cover you up."

"Okay," you said as your arm through the sleeves. "Thank you," you said and went back to bed.

"Good night," he said as he reached your room door.

"Where are you going?" You groaned.

"I'm going home," he responds.

"But it's cold outside," you whined.

"It's fine, I will be running home. It will warm up my body," he reassured you.

"No, stay," you continue to whine. You put your head on the palm of your hand.

"And where am I suppose to sleep?" He lifts his eyebrow.

"Here," you tapped your bed as your eyes were closed.

"No way, what would your parents think of me?" He protested.

"They aren't here, it's fine. Please hurry up, I'm cold and I want to cuddle," you complained.

"I don't know..." he wasn't sure if this was okay. He had done this before but never without sex.

"Please?" You pleaded. His weakness is when you are begging so he of course agreed in the end.

He sighed and walked towards your bed. He went to the opposite side of you and laid down. You were shivering so you scrunching you into a ball. He shifted closer to you and cuddled you. You had never been so close to a guy's chest. Since you were very tired, you didn't pay too much attention on it. "Good night Y/N," he said kissing your temple.

"Good night," you cracked up a smile.

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