Chapter 26: An Ugly Truth

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I was gawking at him, my eyes wide and bulging out of their sockets. No it was unreal. It had to be. No way was I accepting this. This was the most unexpected thing happening in front of my eyes.

But I myself knew as he was standing right before my eyes with an expression of uneasiness crawling on his face. It was none other than Dylan Cooper. Dylan, my friend, my most trusted companion, my English partner.

‘‘Ally’’ He said as soon as he came near me. I was too awestruck to utter a single word. I wanted all this to be a pathetic bad dream nothing else. But it was reality.

A harsh and cruel reality.

‘‘Okay I know you are shocked and everything. But don’t make that face.’’

 Dylan looked fearful that I may shout at him. But I did not want to shout. I wanted to punch the hell out of him, Yet I was too shocked to move a limb. It was him who sent me love letters, it was him who was reason behind everything. He did all that. He of all people...why?

‘‘It was you.’’ I said not so nicely to Dylan. He shrugged casually as if it was nothing. I was shaking with anger now. Looking at him, I

‘‘Yeah it was…’’
He waited for my response but I only gave him a glare full of fury and hatred.

There was a moment of awkward silence between us. I took a few steps towards him and intensified my glare. He just stood there in front of me preparing himself.

‘‘Out of all people I never expected it to be you Dylan. I thought you were my friend.’’

 My voice was angry with a hint of sadness in it. I was really taken aback. I thought of Dylan as a sensible person and never expected him to create such mess for me. In fact for me, he was the last person on earth who could cause me problem.

‘‘Do you have any idea what have you done?!’’ I half yelled at him.

‘‘I am sorry Ally I know my method was absurd but I really like you. I know everything about you and Del. I overheard conversation between you and him. I knew that you thought it was him and I let you assume that because I wanted you to see he didn’t love you. ’’

 He admitted quietly and I felt heat rushing to my face. He knew about Del and he watched me break down silently.

How could he? He did all that? This was even more slashing. It made me break from inside like a mirror smashing in pieces. Dylan was perhaps the only person in my life to whom I felt grateful to be an acquaintance and he turned out worse than all.

‘‘You knew everything then why?’’

‘‘Because I knew you didn’t actually loved him and saw my chance. I was disappointed when you and Daniel started dating and I felt that I needed to tell you before it was too late.’’

I stared at Dylan, the person I trusted so much with gritted teeth. He was equally responsible for all the drama that had been happening in my life. He was just like all of them; like Carmen, like Delenie and like Daniel. And there he was just standing admitting it was his way to express his love. He was a coward just like Daniel who had no bravery to stand up for love. For me this was no where near the meaning of love.

‘‘You have any idea how much pain you have caused me?’’

‘‘I know what I did was wrong but I have been head over heels for you since like forever. When we started high school we became close friends and my feelings grew stronger. You were so good with me I wanted to be with you. I was about to confess to you on your birthday but I was too shy.’’

‘‘Then I decided that on next day I would surely tell you but then I found out that you and Daniel are dating so I wrote the letter on the same day and tried my best to not let you know directly who I was.’’

Dylan looked at me desperately trying to make me understand but I just grimace.

‘‘I hate you Dylan.’’ I whispered at him.

‘‘Please don’t do his Ally. I can bear everything I cannot bear your anger.’’

‘‘You knew that I assume it to be Del yet you saw it all like a Broadway show. You let my heart break into pieces. You let me confessing to Del and he told everything to Carmen. Now she thinks I am a slut, a whore. Our friendship had ended. And all you have to say is I am sorry?!”

I yelled at him with all my power. He was responsible for everything. He let all that happen and now I was suffering the consequences.

‘‘It’s finished.’’ He looked up at me with wide eyes.

‘‘I love y_’’

‘‘You don’t love me Dylan. You just like me. There is a huge difference between that. I am not mad at the fact that you liked me or something. I am hurt because of the means you used, the things you let happened silently.’’

‘Ally I know you are hurt but I am sorry. I can make it up to you Just give me a chance.’’

‘‘You have no idea how hurt and broken I am.’’ I backed away a little from him.

‘‘I am sorry I love you please_’’

‘‘Above love comes friendship. Friends are greater assets than love. I thought I had both of them I thought I had friends and love but as always I was wrong. I fall over and over, again and again. And I fall so hard yet I never learn. But now I had endured too much of this.’’

‘‘We are done Dylan.’’ I said and spared him one last glance before running out of the school. I ran fast along the pavements. My mind racing wildly and my heart drenched with anger and hate.

He was so selfish. He did all that for his own gain. Was this love?

He watched me suffer with ease, not even once it occurred to him that he was playing with me. He was playing with my life, pulling strings as if it was a puppet show. How could he do this to me?

I stopped in front of a park. I was not ready to go home. I was not ready to go any where, let alone face anyone, especially Dale.

I slumped in a bench and saw the sky. Everything had changed and now I felt the worse feeling in the world; being alone. I saw children’s playing nearby with a carefree manner. I felt jealous of their freedom.

Life without Drama, without mess, without troubles. They  had fiends. What did I have? Nothing I was an empty vessel. My friends…they were no longer the people I once knew. Everything had crumpled down right in front of me.

Wasn’t there anyone who cared? Wasn’t there anyone who tried finding out how I felt? What pain I was going through.

‘‘Allyson!’’ An angry voice came from my right; I cocked my head towards Dale who was charging at me furiously.

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