Chapter 49 - A nightmare

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Greetings my little balls of sunshines,

After such a long time I have managed to finish the latest chapter and I owe you guys an apology. I know many of you don't mind and I appreciate the loving and supporting comments I received during this haitus. But I want to apologize anyway because I want to, so deal with it.

Life has been turbolent for me and to be honest it still is, only that I have finally found the time to do what I love and that is writing. Nothing bad has happened so don't worry. A lot of good things happened which meant a big change for me. I have finally finished my theory of my apprenticeship (don't ask, that's how we roll in Germany) and now I work. I have a full-time limited contract and am now being tested for one entire year, then I will hopefully pass my practical. So, I've been concentrating on a secure future, which I must say I have anyway cause my husband earns good money, buuuuuut I love working with kids so that's what I'm doing. It's a very fulfilling job and I greatly enjoy it. The past years of studying has also given me a lot of insight on how kids behave according to what age, which is really helpful when you want to have kids in your stories. I've read a few guys with kids in them and was highly alarmed when I read about a five year old talking like a 2 year old.

Now, obviously working so hard for my education means I have less time for writing. Adding to that, my interests have morfed a little. I still enjoy Haikyuu but you guys can probably relate when I say "I get swept away easily by other things". That's kinda what happened...twice. In my absence I have scribbled down ideas for a Draco Malfoy fanfic and a How to train your dragon fanfic. Also some old ideas of Ushijima and Tamiko in a Game-like-setting along with feudal Japan has come back to interest me. It's nothing big, there isn't much there yet, but there is content there. If you are interested I might post a few chapters one day, see how it develops. I also got back into Katekyou Hitman Reborn for some reason although that fandom seems kinda dead. But don't fret. I will bring Behind a strong man to an end one day, I dunno when but I have an end in mind. I want to keep the story up nonetheless, since you guys enjoy it so much.

I have been browsing other Haikyuu fics lately on and noticed that on that website, my story is in the top 20 Haikyuu stories regarding favourites and in the top 10 regarding followers. This makes me so frigging proud. I never thought this would ever get as popular as it is. And my story is the most popular Ushijima fanfic on Help me...

I also have some big news from my part. My husband and I will go to Japan in April 2019, kinda as a honeymoon. It will be a big adventure for the both of us since we have never set foot in a country so different to ours. My husband is more interested in the nature since he is a hobby photographer but I wonder if I get to go to anime shops. I hope I do. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I will get a great inside on the life in Japan which will probably lead to me rewritting everything. Who knows.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I don't know when I will post the next chapter but I hope this one gives more of a closure than the last one.

I wish you all a happy 2019, best wishes from me and arigatou for your support.

In my defence, I had no clue how to write this chapter. I apologize if its a little short. 

It was the knocking of a hammer hitting wood that violently ripped Tamiko out of her sleep. When she had just been in the noisy courtroom in her dreams she was now in her room, lying on her bed. Yet her bedroom was dark and silent, and it was deafening. Only the ever so quiet ticking of the clock hanging on the wall could be heard. With a groan she fell back onto her pillow, her hair spreading out around her like Medusa's snake hair. She needed to sleep, but she couldn't close her eyes. That dream, sprouted from those memories was something she was afraid of. Memories of the prosecution.

Behind a strong man [Ushiwaka /Oc]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang