Chapter 12 - A final set

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Behind every strong man

stands a woman shouting out to him

The two teams took another well deserved break. Tamiko slouched in her seat, arms folded on her chest and frowning. When the teams got ready and walked onto the court, Tobio stayed on the bench and Sugawara took the starting spot as the setter.

"Looks like your brother is staying on the bench for this one." Izumi noticed.

"He deserves a rest." she smiled.

Goshiki did the serve and Karasuno took the first point. The next point was taken by Ushijima, who's spike knocked over a point display on the judge's table. Tamiko clicked her tongue.

"That bastard. He still has a lot of energy." she cursed.

"Tamiko-chan, you are growing more frustrated." Izumi laughed. "That's not like you."

Karasuno took the next point but the following attack took everyone by surprise. Nishinoya jumped and tossed the ball while everyone moved in in synchronization. Sugawara was the one to receive the toss and he spiked it to the ground.

"Did you just see what I saw?"

"The libero tossed to the setter for a spike."

With a two point lead, coach Washijo called for a time out. Then they got a three point lead after Asahi's serve. His second serve was received and Ushijima spiked it to the ground. Now it was Ushijima's turn to serve and it took a point, since Asahi didn't receive it properly. Shiratorizawa slowly caught up with Karasuno. When Tendou tossed the ball back to Ushijima to spike a cross, Shiratorizawa took another point. Ushijima's next serve also took a point and with that, they were one point in the lead. Tamiko clicked her tongue again and Izumi peeked over to her.

"Tamiko-chan, you're biting your nails." she reminded her.

Izumi knew her too well. If Tamiko was biting her nails, then she slowly growing anxious. It was a rare sight. The fact that she had been so calm the past 4 sets was no surprise but now everything was riding on this final set.

"It's almost annoying how good he is." she grumbles.

"He does represent japan." Izumi remembered.

The next point was also taken by Shiratorizawa.

"Those bastards. I'll swear, if they win, I'll never cook for them again. Bastards." Tamiko grumbled to herself.

"Your swearing vocabulary is as limited as always." Izumi grinned.

The next rally was long with three blocks but Ushijima managed to hit the ball to the ground. Tamiko let out her held breath when the line judges lifted their flags. But then the main judge lifted his hands. The spike was overruled and the point went to Shiratorizawa after all. But the frustration grew even more when Karasuno's coach ran onto the court. The last spike had hit Tsukishima's hand so hard that it injured his hand. He had to be taken to the infirmary.

"This is bad."

Synchronized attack is stopped by Tendou. The teams switch sides. Ushijima's serve hits the net.

"Well, nobody is perfect."

Izumi laughed. Their libero switched with Hinata. The following play took everyone by surprise. When Asahi's spike was blocked and flying towards Hinata, it bounced off his face and after the following toss, Karasuno got the point.

"That must have hurt."

"But he isn't injured. Lucky. If he was benched now as well, that would be very bad."

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