Chapter 23 - A snowy season

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As christmas came ever closer, the towns were bathed in many lights. Snow began to fall every now and them. The days were getting colder, darker and busier. Shoppers were preparing for the annual christmas feasts and even Tamiko enjoyed the business of the shopping district. The last school day of the year was behind her and she wanted to enjoy it. She had a big day planned today and now only had to wait and time flies when you are having fun. It was fun to look at the brightly coloured shop windows, especially with your best friend. The girls were in one of the many shops that guaranteed the best christmas presents.

"Do you think Ichiro would like this?" Izumi asked.

She was holding up a small keychain with a small metal katana dangling at the end of the thin chain.

"Why are you asking me? He is your boyfriend, not mine." Tamiko mumbled.

"I just want to hear your opinion." Izumi begged.

Tamiko took another look at the keychain.

"He probably will like it." she shrugged.

"Good." Izumi nodded, satisfied with the answer.

She went over to the cashier and paid for it before they walked outside into the cold but busy street.

"You need to learn what boys like." Izumi told Tamiko.

"I have a brother. I should know." Tamiko reminded her.

"Brother and boyfriend are not the same, especially when it comes to presents." Izumi winked.

Tamiko only smiled to herself. Izumi's big brother was already out of the house, studying electronics. She still remembered what a technology geek he used to be. As they walked through the crowds, the girls exchanged their plans for the holidays. Izumi, like every year, offered for her to come to come to her home but she was surprised when Tamiko told her about how it was planned this year.

"You are celebrating Christmas with the boys?" she asked.

"Yah, I promised it." she sighed.

On the last day of the training camp Semi had approached her and told her about his idea. At first she was a little sceptical, but when he had mentioned that the favour she owed Ushijima could be repaid that way, she had agreed to attend. Izumi nodded when Tamiko told her the whole story.

"Ushijima will be there too, right?" Izumi asked.

"Most likely."

Izumi looked over to Tamiko, her nose red from the cold air. Her lashes were long, her skin fair and clean, a pretty girl. Izumi had know this girl since elementary and she had changed so much over the years. For as long as she can remember, Tamiko had always been surrounded by boys. She had raced them, challenged them, won against them. Tamiko had been taller than most boys but now, she was even shorter than Izumi. The tomboy had faded away and the girl had emerged. The identity crisis was difficult with her. Why should I wear that? I'm ugly anyway. No boy will like me. And then Oikawa had confessed to her. Since then, Tamiko had been cautious. She had never seen the need or rather, never liked a guy more than a friend. That's what you get as a tomboy. But Izumi was determined. Tamiko had to feel the wonders of love at some point and she was sure that Ushijima was the best candidate.

"Any idea what you will do if he asks you out?" Izumi asked, grinning.

Tamiko stopped. With a disgusted face she looked at Izumi. Typical.

"What?" she shrieked.

"You heard me." Izumi teased.

"I would say no!" Tamiko claimed loudly.

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