Chapter 45 - An uncomfortable reunion

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Tamiko was nervously fiddling with her top, creasing it while waiting. Her phone was laying on the living room table with blue eyes staring at it. It lay there peacefully despite the air around it feeling electrified with anxiety. On the calendar hanging in the kitchen the current day was circled in red and to make the day even more thrilling the gods had decided to make it rain. And not a drizzle but a proper downpour. Tobio was slouching on the couch yawning and listening to the rain. The siblings waited and waited for the call that told them their mother had reached Sendai. It was a Saturday, a day where most people would enjoy the day with family and friends. But some spent that time to go after their hobbies and ambitions. Ushijima was training, mainly to go after his ambitions but also not to intrude on this family moment. In hindsight, Tamiko wished that he was here right now. She had reached a new level of nervousness which she never knew existed and she didn't like it one bit. But this was also a good sign. It meant she missed him. He was important to her after all.

Her sight fell on the freesia which had grown in the last month. It was still bare, not carrying any flowers but the anticipation to see it's colours was building every time she looked at it. She had already researched the flower in the books of the library. The main colours it could make were colours she couldn't see with her bare eyes, except white and yellow. Secretly she hoped they were white. Yellow wasn't a colour she was fond of. Asking Ushijima about it was something she didn't want to do. She had received the bulbs before he knew about her colour-blindness and since he had this green finger he most likely knew about their meaning when it came to colours. On the other hand, from her interpretation he was the kind of guy who probably would have given her new ones to plant to change the colour. Or maybe he wouldn't have said anything because they were already planted. She didn't know. In things like socialising with girls she wasn't very knowledgeable of his behaviour patterns.

"Sis, I'm bored," her brother suddenly complained. "Let's play something."

An uncomfortable feeling spread through her when she thought of a game. She glanced at her phone again and rubbed her cold arms. The cold chill didn't go away.

"Just watch TV," she mumbled and pulled her knees up to her chin.

She could feel his eyes on him and it took him a while to reach for the remote. It was easy to see that she was nervous and anxious. Tobio sighed quietly and turned on the sports channel. A volleyball match was one. While Tobio's eyes were glued to the screen Tamiko was gazing at the droplets moving down the glass.

The doorbell suddenly rang and Tamiko jumped to her feet. Tobio turned off the TV and followed his sister to the door. Both held their breath when she reached for the doorknob. There she stood. Despite the dimness outside, there was a strange glimmer in the woman's blue eyes. Her skin had started to wrinkle from age and stress and yet life had returned. The love she had found seemingly refreshed her and pixie cut made her look a little younger than she actually was. Tamiko stood in the doorway ridgid, not knowing what to do.

"Tamiko, my dear," the woman spoke.

"Mom," Tamiko answered quietly.

Their mother, Kageyama Shiyori, was a tall woman, her hair short and black, her eyes cold and stern. The corners of her lips hung heavy and she gave her daughter's shoulder a small squeezed of acknowledgement while handing her the dripping umbrella. Then her gaze wandered past her.

"Ah, Tobio-kun, my darling," the woman exclaimed and approached the setter.

Tamiko stared into the distance with disbelief. She didn't want to feel jealous towards her brother but in that moment she couldn't help it. Rage built inside of her and she clenched her fists. Shiyori hugged her son, although Tobio didn't move.

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