Chapter 28 - An aftermath

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When Tamiko awoke the next morning it was still dark but the sky was slowly lighting up. The bed creaked a little when she sat upright and she yawned. What she then noticed was that she was still wearing her clothes. She didn't even remember how she got into bed but judging from her state, someone carried her upstairs. Still half asleep she sat down at the edge of the bed and gazed into the space of the roo. Then another yawn. Then, images of last night replayed in her mind. I like you, more than volleyball. She flinched and now felt insanely awake. I said yes, she told herself over and over again. I have a boyfriend. Overcome with the urge to let out this information she grabbed her phone.

From: Tami

To: Izumi

Are you awake? This is important!!

She sent the message and waited. The excitement kept her from locking her phone and her eyes were glued to the screen. A minute passed when she received a message.

From: Izumi

To: Tami

I am now. What's up??

Tamiko took a deep breath and pressed the call button, her heart racing faster the more often she heard the daily tone.

"What's going on?" she heard Izumi answer, her voice still drowned in sleep.

"Something happened last night." Tamiko said.

She heard Izumi groan and sigh, but her attention was there.

"Let me guess, Ushijima asked you out?" she stated, sounding a bit annoyed.

"...Yeah, he did." Tamiko muttered.

Their was a brief silence and then Tamiko's eardrum nearly burst.

"He did? He actually did it? I told you he liked you! Give me the details! How did it happen? What did you say?" she blurted, bombarding her with questions.

Tamiko didn't know what to say, where to start. She curled up under the blanket and muttered.

"Well, I was in the kitchen, doing the dishes and then he told me he liked me more than volleyball."

On the other end of the phone, Izumi burst into laughter.

"That sounds so like him." she giggled. "And what did you say?"

"I said yes."

At the other end off the phone she heard Izumi squeal like a happy piglet. She also heard izumi's mother, asking what was going on but Izumi told her that everything was okay. After she had calmed down, she talked into the phone again.

"Next time I see you I'll treat you to something nice." Izumi said.

Tamiko could hear the smile in her friend's voice and smiled to herself under the blanket. The two girls stayed quiet for a moment.

"You have a boyfriend now." Izumi noted, still not quite grasping the reality of it. "Ushijima Wakatoshi."

Tamiko hummed happily.

"Ushijima Wakatoshi." she repeated.

It really did still sound unbelievable, unthinkable, like a dream. But it really had happened last night. Straining for fresh air, Tamiko ours the blanket down and saw the sky slowly lighting up.

"Well, I need to make breakfast for the boys." Tamiko said.

"Okay, I'll come by late today. We need to celebrate." Izumi announced.

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