Chapter 17 - A reward

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It was a busy Saturday for the Kageyama siblings. Tamiko and Tobio had gone out into town to enjoy a break from school life. It was getting colder and both were wearing scarves for the first time this season. The spend the whole afternoon window-shopping until settling to visit one particular shop that Tobio liked. The sportswear shop. They spend a good 30 minutes in the store until Tobio showed her a box with trainers. Tamiko looked at the price on the box and sighed. So many zeros. Why do trainers sometimes have to be so expensive? Since Tobio and his team won the match against Shiratorizawa a week ago, she now had to fulfill her promise; buying her brother a new pair of trainers.

"You couldn't choose any cheaper ones, could you?" she grumbled and Tobio flinched.

"I can look for different ones." he insisted.

"It's fine, Tobio-kun." she reassured him with a smile. "I did promise you this."

The timing couldn't have been better. Yesterday he came home from school, stating that he had been chosen to attend a training camp. New trainers would be needed. Tamiko paid for them and Tobio took the bag and happily carried it. When they left the shop they decided to go to a café. The little music café was one of Tamiko's favourite café's in town since not many people went their. It was well hidden after all. Her and Izumi hand found it by accident before and now it was their number 1 café. On their way to the small and well hidden café, they bumped into two people. Two people Tamiko never thought she would bump into.

"Tamiko-chan!" Tendou waved when he saw her.

Tobio blinked a few times when he saw the guess monster himself walk over to them and greet his sister. Then he remembered; they were friends. Tobio watched curiously as the two exchanged a few words.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked.

"Enjoying a weekend off training." he smiled. "I'm going to the library with Wakatoshi-kun."

Tobio was already glaring at the tall ace behind the guess monster. Ushijima didn't with the Kageyama siblings much attention. His focus was in the distance. Tamiko raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"And what are you doing here?" Tendou asked.

"I promised Tobio-kun that I would buy him a new pair of trainers if his team won the finals against you." she explained.

Tendou pouted.

"That is mean, Tamiko-chan. You bet against our team from the start. It was very discouraging." he complained.

"You still gave it your all and had fun, right?" she grinned.

"It was a good challenge." Tendou smirked and glanced over to Tobio.

The young setter flinched but glared back. Tamiko felt very short between the two. Both towered over her but still, size doesn't affect your power and authority over people. Additionally, she was older than both.

"Are you in a hurry to go to the library?" she asked.

"No, not really." Tendou said and looked over to Ushijima who stayed silent.

Tamiko looked at the ace as he seemingly ignored her. She pressed her lips to a tight line. This distance was a little strange for her now, ever since Izumi's words had rooted themselves inside her mind. Now she was doubting it and that made her feel strangely empty inside.

"Let's go and have a coffee then." she offered.

"Uh, a mini date with Tamiko-chan." Tendou chimed.

"Shut up." she growled.

The two pairs joined into a group and walked through the crowd together. While Tendou spoke with Tamiko as they walked, both Ushijima and Tobi walked behind them in silence. Tobio peeked over to Ushijima a few times. It was one thing looking at him through a net on the court, but it was entirely different walking next to the grand ace outside the court. He still gave off an aura of greatness, but not as intimidating. Tobio didn't know how to process this. Even the guess monster seemed so, normal. When they reached the cafe, Tobio stayed close to his sister while the two boys sat before them. They talked a lot, although it was mainly Tamiko, Tendou and Tobio who were engaged in the conversation. Ushijima stayed silent and listened. Tendou kept chatting when his attention turned away from Tamiko.

"So Kageyama-kun." Tendou started to get Tobio's attention. "Are you guys practicing harder than usual now?"

"Of course." Tobio confirmed.

"He was invited to an All-Japan intensive training camp." Tamiko smiled proudly.

Tendou's eyes widened. New conversation material. Tendou talked about Ushijima having been invited to one when they were first-years. While the two monsters talked across the table, Tamiko drank her coffee, occasionally glancing over to Ushijima. His eyes were never on her and she couldn't explain why it annoyed her. Why wouldn't he look at me? Izumi must be wrong, she had to be. There was no way that Ushijima would like someone like her. They spent an hour together before they went their separate ways. Tamiko and Tobio went home while Tendou and Ushijima headed for the library. The two boys didn't speak, both in deep thought.

"Say, Wakatoshi-kun." Tendou said after they had walked for a while. "Why didn't you talk with her?"

"Semi doesn't want me to." he told him.

"Are you still keeping to that?" Tendou sighed. "I bet she is very annoyed now. You didn't even look at her."

"Is that wrong?" Ushijima asked.

"I thought you like her." he reminded him.

Ushijima stayed quiet. Tendou knew him for long enough to know what that silence meant. Most of Ushijima's communication came through silence.

"You're still not sure?" the middle blocker asked.

Ushijima nodded.

"You really need to get on with it." Tendou reminded him. "Before you know it, we have all graduated and you'll never see her again."

"Yeah." Ushijima nodded.

Tendou smiled pleasingly and patted the ace's shoulder. He was going to make it work. He will see his friend happy with a girlfriend or he would dare to do something that he probably shouldn't do.

"Let's get you some romance books so you understand the whole thing." he said and skipped ahead to walk into the building.

The afternoon turned to a cold and dark evening and the siblings had planned out an enjoyable and lovely evening with warm tea, blankets and a movie. Tamiko was making dinner while Tobio was upstairs in his room. It was quiet in the kitchen and when Tamiko's phone complained of being low on battery, she headed upstairs to her room to charge it. She paused, thought for a moment and the typed a message. It had bothered her for the rest of the day and she wanted to resolve this matter.

From: Tami

To: Toshi

Are you alright? You were much quieter than usual.

She waited for a while until a reply came. She nervously played with her fingers when her phone chimed.

From: Toshi

To: Tami

Everything is fine.

Of course he would write that. She angrily typed a message, paused, deleted it, took a deep breath and typed again.

From: Tami

To: Toshi

I don't believe you.

A reply never came and that told her enough. She sighed. Was that guy really mad at her for cheering for her brothers team? No, that couldn't be it. He had given her a head pat after the game. Maybe he was just not sure how to approach her. He did like her, didn't he? She wasn't entirely sure. Then she had an idea. She typed a message, sent the message and threw her phone into her pillow before hurrying downstairs to finish dinner.

From: Tami

To: Toshi

Tomorrow, 13:00 at the park. Don't leave me hanging!! (;`O')o

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