Chapter 26 - An approach

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That night, Tamiko lay awake for a long time. She had the honour of sleeping in Semi's room while the boys were all downstairs in the living room. She grumbled to herself as she stared holes into the ceiling. Thirsty. After minutes of an internal discussion if she should go downstairs for a drink, she gave into her bodily needs. As quietly as she could she sneaked downstairs. The manly snores reverberate through the space of the house. She smiled to herself and quietly closed the kitchen door so that her rumargering wouldn't wake them. A heavy sigh escaped her when the cool water rushed down her gullet and hydrated her throat. She swallowed a few more gulps of water and then left the kitchen. A short glance into the living room stopped her from going upstairs. She had to suppress a giggle. They were all over the place. Ushijima, Semi and Tendou had taken over the sofas and couch. Goshiki, Shibaru, Kawanishi and Soekawa were sleeping in the kotatsu while Ohira and Yamagata were sleeping on the floor. The motherly instinct sparked in her as she made sure all of them were under their blankets and warm.

"Yeah, I got it," Goshiki mumbled in his sleep.

She gave him a loving pat on the head and he smiled in his sleep. Cute, she thought. She stood and paused at the couch on which Ushijima was sleeping. He was sleeping like a corpse, not moving a muscle, not making a sound. She crouched down and looked at him closely. His stern expression was soft, everything relaxed. Only when she listened closely could she hear his breathing. Without thought she ran her fingers through his hair, gently scratching his scalp, it's lingering warmth warming her fingertips. A long sigh escaped his lips, as if he had reached a new level of relaxation. She smiled to herself and then stood, leaving to go to bed herself. Little did she know that she had been watched.

The following morning was quiet and slow. Most of them slept until 9am but Ushijima and Tamiko were the only early risers. Tamiko was already in the kitchen, enjoying a hot tea when Ushijima walked past the door in his winter jogging outfit.

"Oh no, you don't." she interfered and pulled on his collar

Not wanting to know where he even got the idea from, she made him change his clothes again and then held him prisoner in the kitchen. Like a disobedient child she sat him down on a chair and made him a cup of tea. They sat there, in silence, an awkward yet pleasant silence, the clock steadily and loudly ticking in the background. A sudden buzz caught her attention.

From: Oink-kawa

To: Tami

Merry christmas~ ~(^з^)-♡ hope you have a great day~

Tamiko couldn't help but smile at this message. Oikawa would never change. She typed back a reply and put her phone on the table. Her mug gave her some warmth for her hands as she held it, rubbing one finger over the other.

"So," she started and Ushijima looked up from his tea. "I heard you got a lot of invitations to some volleyball clubs.

Ushijima nodded and took another sip of the tea.

"Have you thought of where you want to go?" she asked, dreading the answer for some unknown reason.

"I was thinking of going to Tokyo, but I am not entirely sure yet." he answered.

"I see." she mumbled against the rim of her cup. "Three months left."

He didn't make a sound, nor did he look at her. It was subtle, but his muscles tensed. As if he was afraid. Three months could be over in a flash. He was afraid of time. His eyes moved from his tea to the girl before him. And then pain shot through him. Would he even be able to see her again when he goes to Tokyo? Probably not. Should he risk staying here? Everyone would most likely tell him otherwise, but would she advise him against it? He looked at her again and swallowed.

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