Chapter 61 - A move (Final)

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Greetings my little balls of sunshine,

I know that many of my readers are scattered around the globe and are of different religions.

Still, I want you all to recieve this chapter, the last chapter, as a present from me.

This journey has been long and hard with many ups and downs, yet it is complete.

Stay healthy and thank you.

Chapter 61 - A move

Although it looked like Ushijima was waiting patiently, on the inside he was feeling a storm although those who knew him well would see it in his eyes. He was nervous, tremendously so. Never had he felt so excited until now. When he saw a white van drive towards him he stiffened for a moment. The van drove up next to him and slowed down, the driver waving at him. It was Hirugami Fukuro, the newly appointed captain of the Schweiden Alders.

"Alright, get in," Hirugami Fukuro said and pressed a button in his car.

Ushijima entered the van, after a loud click to indicate it had opened, without hesitation and folded his hands, kneading them as they took off. Hirugami had to stop at many traffic lights but soon they were on the motorway into the north. Every now and then Ushijima checked his phone. Tamiko kept messaging him every now and then and he kept checking the time as well. He couldn't wait to see her.

"Thank you again for helping us with the move, Hirugami-san," Ushijima said.

"Hey, no problem, kid," he laughed. "Anytime."

Kageyama Tamiko, Ushijima's girlfriend, was moving into their new home. It was the first house he had ever bought and it was going to be the start of their shared life. No wonder he was so excited. Hirugami, the captain of the team, had offered to drive his van up to Sendai to pick up Tamiko and her belongings. Now they were well on the way. The minutes passed by and soon Hirugami was desperate for some small talk.

"This's the first house you bought?" he asked.

"Yes, my mother was very helpful with it," Ushijima told him. "The process was very complicated but I'm glad it all worked out."

"Luck is on your side right now, that's for sure," Hirugami grinned. "Our rising star deserves some nice stuff."

"I don't mean to..." Ushijima began but was cut off by Hirugami's laughter.

"We're a team," he said. "The more rising stars we have the better."

"Of course," Ushijima agreed. "Still, thank you for driving us around."

"Well, I really want to meet that girlfriend of yours. You described her so vaguely that I can't quite picture her."

"She has brown hair and dark blue eyes," Ushijima began.

"You gotta give me a little more than that," Hirugami pressed.

"She likes to read," he told him. "She used to work part-time in the local library. She read to the kids there as well."

"Women who read are a keeper," Hirugami swooned. "My girlfriend likes to read romance stories and I sometimes find her crying over the characters. Then I make her some tea and cuddle her and I love those moments the most."

Ushijima thought for a moment. In no time during their dating had she read something in his presence even though he knew she liked to read. The masses of books she owned proved this but they would usually do something together like cooking or going for walks so he had never seen her read. Now that they were moving in together he would most likely see her read. Maybe he would be able to make her tea when she got emotional over a book. His fantasy sometimes ran wild but every now and again Hirugami engaged him in some conversation.

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