Chapter 42 - A rehearsal

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Tamiko's fingers were gliding effortlessly over the black and white keys. Her eyes glanced over to the conductor who lifted his hands to announce the holding of the last note. The piece came to an end and Tamiko took a deep breath, enjoying the silence that came after. They all had been playing for an hour already and now it was time for a well deserved break. Unlike the other students who went to stretch their legs or turned around to talk to the others, Tamiko stayed by herself at the grand piano. Like a fortress of solitude she hid behind the large black instrument. It wasn't like she didn't want to socialise, she just wasn't very chummy with any of them. Instead she checked her phone. The last message from Tendou was still open from this morning. She didn't really want to believe that a guy was planning to ask her out, but it made her feel at ease that Ushijima was looking out for her. It made her feel warm and fuzzy. Also remembering that peck on her cheek made her smile like an idiot. It was a good thing that nobody noticed her. At least that's what she thought.

"Kageyama-san," a voice spoke.

She looked up to see Fujimura Izanagi, one of the violin players. He sat to her right, his back always turned to her. An inconsiderable person, very average but skilled with the violin, this she knew. And now he was standing next to her.

"Yes?" she asked, rather reluctant to talk with him.

"I was wondering if we could talk somewhere in private," he muttered.

Her mind briefly paused. So Tendou was right after all. He wasn't one to lie so she didn't understand why she had doubted him. Now she had to deal with this situation.

"Sure," she shrugged.

She followed him out of the hall and noticed some of the boys stare and whisper. Those were probably his friends. Izanagi lead her outside into the main corridor and then turned to her. She could see how nervous he was, biting his lip, playing with his fingers. It made her feel bad for having to reject him.

"I have something to confess, Kageyama-san," he started before taking another deep breath and standing strong. "I really like you. Please go out with me!"

Tamiko looked down at him as he bowed. For her it was strange to watch. When this happened before it wasn't any different, in a kitchen with no bowing. But a certain similarity was present. All except the feeling. That feeling of surprise because of the situation, happiness because it was happening to her. And yet she admired him for his courage.

"I'm sorry, Fujimura-kun," she said with a sigh and a sad smile. "But I have to decline your offer."

It pained her a little, especially when she saw the disappointment and sadness in his eyes.

"Why?" was all he asked when fear replaced sadness.

He began to tremble a little and wasn't looking at her anymore but more behind her. Tamiko turned around and couldn't believe what she saw. Behind her stood Ohira Reon and Tendou Satori, both putting up the best death stare they could muster. Tendou's face was creepier though, since he was grinning like the Joker. He stepped forward, resting one arm on her shoulder.

"What do you think you are doing with our precious manager?" he asked in a sinister tone.

The poor boy. He was shivering with fear and stumbled backwards, nearly tripping over his own feet. Before scrambling away he apologised. Once he was gone, both of the boys returned to their normal demeanor.

"What are you two doing here?" she asked them.

"We just wanted to make sure that guy doesn't mess anything up," Tendou revealed. "You should have seen Wakatoshi-kun yesterday. Scary."

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