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No chapter sorry :(

Instead I was tagged my WaterMistress so I might as well do this :P


#1: Mention the person who tagged you
#2: Do it within 3 days
#3: Say 10 things about yourself
#4: Tag 28
#5: Tell a joke
#6: Spoil one of your stories

Fact 1: I am married and happily. Have been for nearly 3 years
Update: 7 years and counting

Fact 2: I have two cats named Felix and Findus

Fact 3: I am studying to become a childminder
Update: I passed.

Fact 4: I am german and live there again. Lived out my teen years in Britain

Fact 5: I am the eldest of four. My three younger brothers are big boys now (youngest 18)

Fact 6: I love wine and enjoy whiskey but I only drink occasionally

Fact 7: I have never ever been drunk

Fact 8: I love to draw. I prefer to draw my characters myself to get their image in my head.

Fact 9: I live in an old italian house (100 years old)

Fact 10: In person I am like Hinata. Because of my ADD I can hardly be stopped xD Its difficult to live with it but the people around me know how to slow me down to an acceptable level


The teacher at the kindergarden asks: "Who's shoes are these?"

One child answeres: "They look like mine but I have lost mine."

Sorry, it's a bad joke.


"Was the neglect noticeable in her behaviour?" the man asked.

"I witnessed a few during school days. On occasion she heavily cried and once even inflicted self harm." he explained.

Tamiko pressed her lips together to a tight line and rubbed over her knuckles. There was no evidence to the touch from her wounds when she had punched the tree repeatedly. No feelable bumps. However, there were traces of thin white lines of the broken skin.

It's not much but I haven't gotten very far yet.

Tag 28:






Don't have any more :S

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