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I walk around the familiar room, memories flooding back to me of some of my childhood memories.

Dust was setting on all the surfaces in the room.

I didn't even know why Elliott, has a desk in his room, that boy's never studied a day in his life.

I sigh, Elliott and I were meant to go to university together. Go to frat parties. Do stupid stuff but that was all gone now.

I didn't even attend the first day of university, as soon as Elliott I died I dropped out of the course.

It was something I was only doing because Elliott had persuaded me into it. It wasn't my dream, but I didn't want to let Elliott down, and I also couldn't stand the thought to him moving away.

And then with Cress, she attended the first few months, but things got hard for her. She was an 18-year-old girl who was pregnant and the father was no longer around.

She told me one time that a group of guys in her main class was saying a load of bullshit to her. I made sure they would never look at her the wrong way again.

She was so happy with Elliott, happier than I had ever seen my sister. Now she was quite, she never laughed, she never smiled.

Everyone was here for her though, through her whole pregnancy thing and from what I saw there were a lot of complications, she still pushed everyone away.

She was definitely better than when it first happened, but she was still in a really bad place. Then there was her baby. Their baby. 

I never expected to care about the child let alone, what, love it?

It was unnerving how much River looked like Elliott. I guess the baby was the only thing holding Cress together. She was so protective of him, not letting just anyone hold him.

I slump down on Elliott's familiar bed. His mom had moved to New York. That seemed to be the place everyone moved to when they're life was a fucked up mess. Elliott had a key to my house as did I for his house. It's just the way it was.

I don't even know why I was here right now. I texted Jack telling him that I needed to get something from Elliott's room and that part was true but why was I still here.

Maybe I wanted someone to talk to, maybe I wanted to talk to Jack.

No, I wanted to talk to Elliott and I'm sitting here waiting for him to come through the door grinning abut something stupid he's done.

11 months, that could be considered a long amount of time. Then why wouldn't this hurting feeling go away? Why can't I just get over his death? Why was it still killing me?

I stare at the door, come on Elliott your out there somewhere. Just come home, man.

"Come home bro" I plead out loud.

I stand up fast and kick the bed knowing I was being ridiculous, he was gone and there was nothing I could fucking do to bring him back.

Fuck sakes it should have been me that stood in front of Cress, my life is worthless compared to theirs.

Elliott did something I should have done.

I regret every fucking argument Elliott and I ever had. Every fistfight we'd gotten in to cause now I have no one. I never realized how important Elliott was, he was my friend, my best friend.

When instead he was so much more, he was a brother; he was someone I'd turn to. He would always come to me asking me advice.

I roll over to look under Elliott's bed, I pick up the loose floorboard and look under it.

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