Chapter 32// I was The Quarterback's Girl, until he let me go.

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Chapter 32// I was The Quarterback's Girl, until he let me go.

3rd June

"You need to stop this," She cries as she grabs the black remote form the bed and switches the TV off. Oh well it's not like I really was watching it anyway. I continue to look at the black screen holding the phone in my hands.

For the past few weeks we had been so close he made electricity run though my veins when he was close to me and now that he wasn't here I felt empty.

The image of Elliott's heartwarming smile played in my mind like a carousel. The way he showed his teeth when he was grinning. And his eyes, what I would I do in my life without his beautiful blue eyes staring at me.

"Cress look at me this is getting out of hand, you haven't left your room in 2 days, you even missed school" Winter pleads with me but I can't deal with anyone anymore. I ignore her voice as I stare in to space, thinking about events that made my heart ache in agony. I wasn't even trying to pretend I was okay; I just sat in my bed completely unmoving.

Boyfriend. Love. Breakup.

Somewhere in my head my mind was telling me that no one has specified that we were 'broken up' but it would be ridiculous if we were still in a relationship.

It was like all the fire Elliott had put in my veins has died out. The feeling in my stomach was like all the butterflies' wings had been pulled off them, they could no longer fly. I couldn't stand the thoughts anymore and felt harsh tears rise up form the back of my eyes, the pain was burning and I tried to not blink to stop them from falling.

I look down at my phone, that's all I had been doing for the past few day. I didn't know why but I couldn't help myself.

I harshly wipe the salty liquid away form my eyes. Winter slowly comes over and gently sits on the edge of my bed.

"I don't care about school, how can I go back there when all I will see is him"

I couldn't even imagine what would happen if I ever saw Elliott again, I'd either break down or attack him.

I couldn't imagine the thought of Elliott standing against the lockers; I knew he'd look over at me so many unspoken words in the air.

Then the image of Elliott with another girl appears in my head. I knew that's how he would get over he situation; he'd stamp on my already shattered heart.

The sound of his laugh was all I wanted to hear right now. I wanted him to be next to me and I would do something stupid and he would begin to grin, he could never hold back his laugh.

I pull the covers over my head, happy to be in the darkness.

I wasn't the only one going though a emotional heartbreak, it looked like Daniel was going though serious betrayal.

I couldn't stand the thought of him. I hated Daniel for being the one to ruin everything. My brother didn't need to tell me, I didn't need to know. If I didn't know everything would be okay but I knew there was no point in blaming my brother. His long time best friend lied to him as well.

I remember the pain I saw on Daniel's face when he we got home from the dance.

I walk around the house feeling completely; numb my dress was all messed up and covered in some patches of blood. I kept on walking around in circles ideas forming in my head. Winter offered to come in and stay with me but I wanted to be left alone so could think things though.

I run both my hands through my hair.

Elliott Grayson.

I couldn't stop shaking my whole body felt like it was vibrating. It's a dream? Elliott would never hurt me.

Elliott loves me, he told me.

Memories were flashing in my head of Elliott laughing next to me, messing around with me and him kissing me.

I understood that this was Elliott we were talking about and it was something everyone would completely expect of him. But for me it was different I saw him

I wrap my arms around myself to stop the shaking. I sink to the ground in the middle of the living room. I cover my face with my hands to catch all the tears falling out my eyes.

I lightly heard the front door close, I hear someone stomp in to the living room where I was in a completely shattered state.

"Why him Cress, why fall in love with my best friend?" Daniel's voice was filled with pain. I uncover my face to look at him; he didn't look in a good way. Her leaned against the doorframe.

That's when I feel a sudden pang of rage at Daniel. It was his entire fault he didn't need to tell me, he could have kept it a secret.

I clumsily get up and walk up to my tall brother. I shove him slightly which he wasn't expecting.

"My fault, it's your fault, your best friends with him, you let him hurt me all these year. What did you expect? You never cared about me you let everyone trample all over me" I was shouting at him and I knew that it wasn't his fault. It wad all mine for being a naive and stupid girl. But I couldn't help but blame someone.

"You let him push me out that tree, you let him be he one to stand up for me because you weren't there and you let him fall in love with me" I didn't even want to imagine the state of my make-up. For most girls this was always a special night but for me it was the most disastrous night of my life and I have had many of them.

"He's done a lot of stupid thing in his life, there's no one there to stop him. This time, I cant' forgive. I've lost him too Cress" Daniel bows his head in sadness.
"You can find another best friend Daniel, but you know what Elliott's done he's ran he's way with my shattered heart. Because of him I can never love again"

"You think I'm happy about what happened" Hs sudden outburst makes me take a step back. He hits the wall in frustration.

"You didn't see Elliott after you left. I have never seen him so angry; he was on the verge of murdering me. I just ruined his life how do you think I feel" Daniel looked like he and never felt so much regret.

I exit the living room unable to deal with all this the pain I felt and the agony I could see in my brother, I was halfway up the stairs when Daniel shouts my name.

"No matter what Cress, I know everything there is about Elliott and I've never seen him show his feeling. Everything he felt for you was true, that's undeniable"

9thh June

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