Chapter 46// "It? If I were you I wouldn't be looking for a deadly clown"

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Chapter 46// "It? If I were you I wouldn't be looking for a deadly clown"

"Sorry to be Captain obvious here, but Aaron did you know that kidnapping someone is illegal" I shout struggling from the guy's grip who was holding me.

"Can I please shove a sock down her throat or even better just knock her out cold. How about I get the..."

"That's enough Ryan, I'm trying to concentrate on the road"

The streets light were severely dim and I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if we ended up crashing in to a fox or even a tree.

And yes sadly Ryan was the guy holding me in the car, if it weren't for the fact that he was sitting next to me I would have opened the car door, even if the car was speeding down the road, and jumped out.

My hate for this boy just seemed to expand more and more by the second that it almost felt like I have no room in my heart to hate anyone else but him.

"I swear to god when Conner comes to find me, your dead I tell you. And god forbid that it's Daniel that finds me, because he will literally cut you to shreds" I say though my gritted teeth.

Ryan looked very amused by my comment, which just made me even angrier. What is it with this guy?

"No need to get so fired up hot stuff, actually for a second I thought you were going too say that Elliott would come and save you, but we all know he doesn't give a shit about you"

I lunge for him but due to his strength he easily holds me back and it also didn't help that I was seat belted really tightly to the chair and also my hands were tied. Why use rope, because it was cutting at my wrists, why not use some ribbon?

I felt like one of those stupid movie scenes, like I was the damsel in distress..

"Actually I must also warn you if you come close to me again I will kick you so painfully hard in your nuts, so be warned" I warn Ryan

"Your like a non-stop barking Chihuahua" Ryan comments.

"Really cause I can get a whole lot worse" I warn him.

"Kink..." He doesn't finish his sentence because I kick him painfully hard on the leg.


The car journey mostly contained me swearing at Ryan and then Aaron shouting at me to shut the hell up. When Aaron stops the car, I obviously try and make a run for it and of course I am unsuccessfully.

I struggle roughly against Ryan's grip and soon I see another tall guy walk in this direction towards Aaron.

Aaron whispers something in to his ear, which makes the tall brown haired boy nod. And soon Aaron walks in what looks like a hotel.

I never came past this way and I didn't really know the way here at all.

"Ryan get your filthy hands off me" I shout loudly hoping that someone would come and help me.

"No one's going to hear you Crescent"

"Really why is that dick-face"

"Because no one cares about you here, this is Aaron's grandfather's hotel. He practically owns it "

Aarons grandfather was the same as Elliott's. I think.

I just shake my head in his direction "What are we in some fucking Scooby doo episode"

That's when the car door flings open and I feel the soft breeze push my hair backwards.

"Get her inside room 69" Aaron's voice is sharp. Ryan only nods.

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