Chapter 23// "I can't help but look down at your lips and ..."

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Chapter 23// "I can't help but look down at your lips and ..."

"So what was that about with Daniel?" Elliott asks standing beside me. I can faintly see his breath as he speaks. He's so tall standing next to me I have to lift till my head up to look him in the eye.

"Daniel is just being a spoilt brat"

That's when I hear a clatter of the thunder outside; I almost jump out my skin in surprise.

"So what's the deal with your mom and her friend" He asks. I look down the long corridor, lost in thought.

"That's a bit personal isn't it, Daniel's probably told you everything anyways, and you probably know my life inside out."

"I think we are way past 'too personal' Dawson, and yes Daniel has told me but I want to hear it from you"

I look up into his blue eyes they still look as bright as ever in this dark corridor.

"You know my mom is dead?" I ask still holding his gaze; he nods his head at me, his face expressionless.

"My mom and dad never got along in high school, but something changed near the end of their final year. My mom was in love with my dad and his best friend but there also my mom's best friend. So it was a complicated mess"

"From what I know mom chose my dad over the other guy. My dad loved my mom with everything inside him, but from what I heard he was part of a gang. Though I heard that wasn't an issue when him and mom started going out"

Elliott's eyebrows furrow at the motion of my dad being part of a gang.

"My mom's best friend was the closest person in her life they were practically joint at the hip. But dad did something unforgivable to her, I don't know what it was but I was told my mom nearly broke up her relationship with him."

"Until suddenly she found out she was pregnant with Daniel and I. Dad amended his way, but they lost contact with mom's best friend. Until my mom's condition took a turn for the worst after a years"

"From what I was told mom regretted her relationship with dad. She was utterly in love with my dad's best friend but it was too late. Maybe that's what caused her condition to deteriorate so quickly"

I look down at the ground now unable to look Elliott in the eyes, the sky is getting darker but I keep walking in the direction of my locker. All the same Elliott is still intently listening to my story.

"Her best friend came rushing to the hospital when she heard that mom had taken a turn for the worst and my mom made her promise that if she died she would always be there for us. Mom died and dad packed his things and moved straight to New York leaving everything, leaving two unwanted kids"

"And mom's best friend gave up whatever life she had to look after us bring us up, when we aren't even her kids. Yes she is rarely home now, and she has achieved the career she always wanted, but I will always be grateful for her. Daniel and I would be nothing without her"

"Daniel was closer than I was to her, that was until dad decided to come back in the picture. On our 15th birthday, you remember that weekend you came bargaining in to my house asking where Daniel was"

Elliott nodded but he is blushing slightly at the memory. Elliott had nearly broken done the door and smashed a window when he found out Daniel had left him and they had a footballs game at weekend.

"That was the time I put crickets in your bathtub wasn't it?" Elliott asks quietly. I cock an eyebrow up at him suddenly remembering.

"Dad showed up at the door, he wanted to take us to New York with him. We refused until he got really angry, mom's best friend and him were arguing really badly. Eventually dad was able to force Daniel to go with him."

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