Chapter 26// "Babe? Did you just call my sister a pig?"

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Chapter 26// "Babe? Did you just call my sister a pig?"

I shuffle in my bed, it's particularly warm this morning; I open my sleep crusted eyes and see Elliott's peaceful face practically touching mine. Memories of yesterday begin flooding back; well I can't say it wasn't eventful.

I look at Elliott face, he doesn't look the same as he did when he was younger. He used to be so chaotic and aggravating. When did he change to become this person I have began to love? My mind is spinning at the thought of Elliott kissing me yesterday. Then it hits me, I can kiss Elliott whenever I want, can't I? Or is he going to wake up and regret everything? Regret me?   

I'm suddenly conscious of my sleeping position. I'm only wearing a t-shirt and I'm pretty sure Elliott isn't even wearing a shirt. His arm is lazily wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him.

One of my legs are wrapped around his, the feeling of his skin touching mine is already making my cheeks flare up.

It's almost unreal, I can't even explain the amount of times Elliott and I have gotten in to a flaming argument in this very bedroom. Sometimes things would start flying across the room.

Memories fly back from when I threw a glass at him and it smashed against his shoulder and he was sent to A & E to get the glass removed. Or the time Elliott and I had a pillow fight because he came into my room while I was in my towel. I still occasionally find a feather here and there. 

We've come so far?

I lift my hand to gently trace the lines on his face, I don't think I've ever been this close to him before. His skin is soft and delicate, Elliott always has this gorgeous tan that makes everyone jealous. I look at Elliott's plump lips and close my eyes to snuggle in to him, enjoying the moment while it lasts.

A hand twirls in my hair and I keep my eyes closed, trying to remain expressionless. His hand brushes along my neck, well my heart just done a flip. That's when his warm lips kiss the corner of my jaw line. I open my eyes in surprise and then suddenly his arms are beneath mine and he is tickling me. I instantly throw myself out the bed.

I groan out in pain as I sit up to glare at the half-awake Elliott. His hair is fluffy and all over the place, he has a playful grin plastered on his masterpiece of a face.

"That was for pretending to be asleep, and for all the other times you pushed me out of your bed" Elliott grins cockily.

I stand up and run a hand through my tuggy hair, I try and pull down my t-shirt but it really doesn't want to co-operate. I give him one of my signature eye rolls and climb back in bed.

"We could have had a hot make out session if you hadn't pushed me out the bed" I tease him.

"Damn it Dawson, I can make out with you any time I want now" He grins as he places each of his hands on either side of my face.

He places a teasing kiss on the corner of my lips, and he almost gives me a proper kiss but the bedroom door flies open.

Standing in the doorway is a fully dressed Daniel and Alec.

Prick. Prick. Prick.

Elliott decides to still kiss me but I push him off myself and sit up in utter embarrassment.

"You two are like my ultimate couple" Alec grins as he looks between us.

"What the hell is this?" Elliott shouts chucking a pillow lazily at the two of them.

"You told me to come over early, we're all going out" Daniel states.

"We made those plans two days ago" Elliot tells my brother, holding his two fingers the other way.

The Quarterback's GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora